Jack Russo

401 Florence Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301
United States
Phone Number:
+1 650-327-9800
Fax Number:
+1 650-618-1863
CUNY (1977) Master of administration and Computer Science
UCLA School of law (1980)
Columbia business school (1992) Master of Business administration
LLM (2013) Center for International Legal Studies
Bar Admission or Professional License:
1980 – CA
1981- NY
1982 Washington DC
1986 Hawaii
1989 Oregon
1990 Washington
Present Position:
Managing Partner, Computerlaw Group LLP
Professional Experience:
Managing Partner, Russo & Hale; Attorney, Fenwick
and West.
Professional Associations:
Panels of Arbitrators:
Arbitration Experience:
Over 500 cases as arbitrator, mediator, and or neutral
evaluator through the federal and state court appointment process and as Judge
Pro Temp for California Superior Court in Silicon Valley CA.
Areas of Specialization:
Internet Law
Intellectual Property
Joint Ventures
Business Law
Computer Law
Publications from JURIS:
Co-Author, “Protection of Computer Software After the
Copyright Act of 1980,” Law & Business, 1981; “Pre-Trial and Discovery in a
Software Marketing Dispute,” Law and Business, 1982; “Copyright Law and
Computer Software Disputes,” Practising Law Institute, 1983; “Microcomputer
Software Marketing Agreement Disputes,” Practising Law Institute, 1985;
“Copyright in the Look and Feel of Computer Software,” The Computer
Lawyer, February, 1985; Co-Author: “The Impact of the Uniform Trade Secrets
Act on California Trade Secret Law,” Trade Secret Law Reporter, May, 1985
“Software Copyright Protection,” 5 Software Publisher’s Association News 3-4
(No. 1 January 1988); “Developments in Copyright Protection of Computer
Software,” 2 International Computer Law Adviser 9-12 (No. 4 January 1988);
“Recent Developments in the Copyright Protection of the Look and Feel of
Computer Software: Apple Computer v. Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard,” 6
Software Protection 1-15 (No. 10 March 1988); “Copyright Protection of Virtual
Reality,” ABA Science and Technology 1992; “New Frontiers: Copyright
Protection in Virtual Reality Works,” 15 The National Law Journal S1 (No. 6
October 12, 1992); Co-Author, “Software „Look and Feel‟ Protection in the
1990's,” 15 Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal 571-603
(1993); Co-Author, “The Law of Virtual Reality,” 3 Computer Software Ch. 18
(1994); “Liability on the Internet,” San Francisco Intellectual Property
Association (March, 1995); Co-Author, “The Law of the Internet in California,”
National Business Institute (2001); Co-Author, “The Law of the Internet in the
United States,” National Business Institute (2007); Co-Author, “Intellectual
Property Law Update,” National Business Institute (2008); Co-Author,
“Inventors & Their Innovations,” National Business Institute (2008).