Ike Ehiribe

7 Stones Commercial & IP Chambers
88 Kingsway Holborn
London WC26 BAA
Counsel, Chartered Arbitrator, Accredited Mediator, Adjudicator, Conciliator and Expert Determiner. Also, Approved Assessor, Tutor and Trainer of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in London; Visiting Professor at the Centre for International Legal Studies in Salzburg; Senior Teaching Fellow in International Trade Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) School of Law, University of London. Former member and then chairman of the old ADR committee of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London (2001 -2005).
Fellow and Chartered Arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators London; Member, London Court of International Arbitration; Councilor of the African User’s Council of the London Court of International Arbitration (2013); Member, International Chamber of Commerce UK (Arbitration and Intellectual Property Expert Groups); Member of the ICC Institute of World Business Law in Paris; Member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) in the Hague; Member of the College of Arbitrators and Judges of the Foreign Direct Investment Moot of the Center for International Legal Studies in Salzburg.
AAA/ICDR (New York); Energy Arbitrators Panel; ADNDRC (Hong Kong); A.I.D.A.; Re-insurance and Insurance Arbitration Society(A.R.I.A.S.) (UK); CIARB (UK); DIAC (Dubai); HKDRP (Hong Kong); ICC Panel of Expert Determiners on ICANN New Gtld Dispute Resolution Procedure; listed as an Emergency Arbitrator with KLRCA (Kuala Lumpur); LRCICA (Lagos); Supporting and Aspiring Full Member of the LMAA (UK); VIAC (Vienna); CAS (Lausanne) and WIPO (Geneva).
Appointed or nominated to act as sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator, adjudicator, chairman of tribunal, chairman of arbitration appeal panel, single panelist, co-panelist, co-mediator, mediator, conciliator, expert determiner, counsel, or expert in a substantial number of arbitral and ADR proceedings under the rules of ADNDRC, CIARB, CPR, DIAC, IDRS, HKDRP, ICC, LCIA, LMAA, UNCITRAL, WIPO and AD-HOC etc. concerning disputes and or disputants from China,, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Kenya , Mauritius, Nigeria , USA, UK, UAE, Switzerland and Zambia.
- African States and the Use of Investment Treaty Arbitration being a paper delivered at the International Centre for Arbitration and Mediation, Abuja (ICAMA) Arbitration Round Table Conference on 26 May 2014 to be published 2014/2015.
- Case note on WIPO Administrative Panel Decision on Domain Name Dispute: LCIA, ICC, SIAC, SCC, & (AAA/ICDR) -V- ICSID Lawyers, LLC Case No. D2013-0685 published in the 2014/2015 Comparative Law Year book of International Business.
- Handbook on Arbitration in Africa - A Practitioner’s Guide - Overview for the Gambia; published by Kluwer Law International in 2013.
- Most recent trends in the interpretation of Investor Rights under Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITS) – Focus on expropriation of assets and African States being a paper delivered at the LCIA Symposium held in Lagos in February 2013.
- The Requirements necessary to Establish Legal Rights, Limited Public Interest and Community Objections under the new ICANN new Gtld Regime being a paper delivered on behalf of the ADNDRC in Seoul and Hong Kong in 2011 and 2012, respectively.
- The Validity of Customary Law Arbitration in Nigeria published by the Centre for International Legal Studies in the 1996 Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business.