Ibrahim A. Najjar

Madrassat el Salam Street, 11
Beirut 116
Attorney at Paris Bar Society; Associate and visiting professor at PARIS 2 (France), Paris 1, Toulouse and Nantes (France) Universities; Professor at “University For All” (Saint Joseph Beirut University); Professor or Arbitration at The Lebanese University
Lebanese Arbitration Center, ICC
No need to go into details, I have been sole arbitrator in some international arbitrations (ICC), many domestic arbitrations, appointed arbitrator (both international ICC arbitrations and domestic panels). I have also been many times counsel …and expert in international arbitrations
“Marriage and the nationality of the married women in Lebanese Law”, 1964; “The Right of Option. Contribution to the Study of Potestatif Rights and Unilateral Acts”, thesis, Paris, 1967, L.G.D.J., preface P. Raynaud;
Libéralités (1973, 4th ed. 2003, preface Louis Boyer); Option Contracts (1990); Many articles, lectures and conferences in the field of international and domestic arbitration, published in France (Dalloz), Lebanon and in the Arab countries; Matrimonial Rights – Successions (1997, 3d ed.2003, preface P. Catala); Coauthor, “French-Arabic Legal Dictionary” (1982, Librairie du Liban, 12th ed.); Dalloz Encyclopedia of Civil Law, Author of the following treatises: Gifts (1991, 2003); Gifts between Spouses (1993, 2004); Covenants on Future Succession (1994, 2004); Disposition of Gratuitous Titles (1996, 2005/2006, five chapters to be published); Foundation (to be published, 2006); Author of numerous chronicles and commentaries of judgments in the Dalloz Law Journal; Fiduciary Contracts (Law n° 520/96), 1997 (in Arabic); “Chronicles On
Lebanese Private Law” (1967-2000), pref. by Mr. Jean Carbonnier; Foreword by Mr. François Terre; “The irrevocable power of attorney” (in Arabic, 2003); “New French Arabic Legal Dictionary”, Librairie Du Liban Publisher, 2005.