Hugo Palacios Mejia

Calle 110 A #4-41
Bogotá D.C.
Partner, Estudios Palacios Lleras Ltd. (1975-1982, 1986- ); Member, List of Co-Justices, Constitutional Court of Colombia (1992- 1994); Member, List of Co-Justices, Council of State of Colombia (1987-1996); Member, list of Co-Justices, Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia (1986- 1991); Minister of Finance and Public Credit (1985-1986); Governor, Banco de la República (Central Bank of Colombia) (1982-1985); Member, the House of Representatives (1978-1982); Executive Director, Inter American Development Bank, Washington (1973-1975); Vice Minister of Finance and Public Credit (1971-1973); Partner, Ramirez Ocampo y Asociados (1967-1971); Lecturer, Professor of Law, Univ. Javeriana (1967-1973, 1975-1982, 1992- )
Asociación de Abogados Javerianos; Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Tributario; International Fiscal Assoc.; International Bar Association
Bogotá Chamber of Commerce
Former chairman of an ICC tribunal; co-arbitrator in a local court of arbitration; counsel to parties in several arbitration proceedings; expert witness in an international arbitration governed by American Arbitration Association’s rules
Antecedentes del Estatuto Narmativo del Presupuesto General de la Nación (Editor) (Bogotá, 1973); La Economía en el Derecho Constitucional Colombiano (Bogotá 1975); Introducción a la Teoria del Estado (Bogotá, 1980); several articles in academic journals.