Herfried J. Wöss

Wöss & Partners, S.C.
Torre Esmeralda I
Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho 40-1606
Col. Lomas de Chapultepec
11000 Mexico City
International Arbitration & Trade Group
Washington DC
Stagiaire, Equipe for Foreign Relations, Legal Service, EC-Commission, Brussels, 1990-1991; Consultant, Auritec Asesores, 1991-1992, Mexico, D.F.; Lawyer, Bremer, Quintana, Obregón y Mancera, S.C., 1992-1998; Partner, Obregón, Quintana y Wöss, S.C., 1998-2001; Partner, Wöss & Partners, S.C., 2001-; Counsel, International Administration, National Labour Office, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, 1998-; Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University Law, 2012-.
ASA; ASIL; CIArb; DIS; IBA; ICC (Austria and Mexico); LCIA
More than 20 cases before ICC, IACAC, CAM, Swiss Rules and ICSID (public works and acquisitions, PPPs, BOTs, construction, franchise, power plants, gas pipelines, ships, construction, automotive manufacturing licensing agreement, telecommunications, joint venture in pharmaceutical industry), as sole arbitrator, co-arbitrator and party counsel.
Herfried Wöss, Adriana San Román, Pablo Spiller and Santiago Dellepiane: Damages for Breach of Complex Long-term Contracts in International Arbitration, Oxford University Press, forthcoming; Ibidem, Daños y Perjuicios por la violación de contratos al largo plazo, in: Arbitraje en Materia de Inversión, Tendencias y Novedades, Sonia Rodríguez Jiménez and Herfried Wöss (eds), Ed. Porrúa, p. 1-50, forthcoming; Ibidem, Dispute resolution under the new Public-Private Partnerships Law, Global Arbitration Review, May 2012; Ibidem, Orden Público, Derecho Público, Cosa Juzgada e Inarbitrabilidad en Contratos Públicos en México (la Anulación del Laudo del Caso ICC 13613/CCO/JRF), Spain Arbitration Review 14 (2012) p. 111-131; Ibidem, Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Public Procurement in Mexico, Spain Arbitration Review 7 (2010) p. 19-31; Ibidem, Indemnización, in Arbitraje en Materia de Inversiones, Sonia Rodríguez Jiménez and Herfried Wöss (eds.), Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, 2010, p. 277-288; Ibidem, The ICC Model Contract for Major Turnkey Projects, Construction Law International 3 (2008) 2, p. 6-11; Ibidem, Consolidation of Arbitration Proceedings and Joinder of New Parties by the Respondent under the ICC Rules, IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter, September 2005, p. 55-58; Ibidem, The Application of TRIPS to the Authorization by Health Authorities of the Using, Making and Selling of Pharmaceutical Drugs, Journal of International Trade Law & Regulation, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 3 (2002) p. 79-84; Ibidem, E-Commerce and Electronic Document Management Systems in Mexico, International Business Lawyer (February 2002) p. 61-64; Ibidem, Rules of origin in international trade and under NAFTA (in Spanish), “El Foro”, Law Review of the Mexican Bar Association 2 (October 1999) p. 159-174; Ibidem, The application of the UN-Sales Law by courts and arbitral tribunals in Mexico (in German), in: Legal Aspects of Foreign Trade between Germany, Mexico and Argentina, Roland Bomhard/Heinrich Dörner (Hrsg.), Schriftenreihe der Universität Düsseldorf, Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 1998, 43‑56; Ibidem, The legal benefits of NAFTA for German enterprises (in German), in: Legal Aspects of Foreign Trade between Germany, Mexico and Argentina, Roland Bomhard/Heinrich Dörner (Hrsg.), Schriftenreihe der Universität Düsseldorf, Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 1998, 101‑118.