Hans-Claudius Scheef

Stadttor 1
Düsseldorf 40219
Rechtsanwälte Vester Orbach Schwarz, Düsseldorf - 1995 – 1996; Rechtsanwälte Bender Zahn Tigges - 1996 – 1997; Rechtsanwälte Kapellmann und Partner - since 1998
Member of the International Arbitration Institute (IAI), Member of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS)
AVG / van Egteren, Chairman, The arbitration proceedings were governed by the rules of the DIS (German Institution of arbitration). The place of arbitration was Dusseldorf . The plaintiff sued for additional payment. It argued that supplementary work had to be done to provide the municipal engineering for a pump station. The defendant asserted that the work done was encompassed by the performance target of the original agreement; Plätz / Plätz GmbH & Co. KG, arbitrator, The arbitration proceedings were governed by the rules of the ZPO. The place of arbitration was Dusseldorf . The plaintiff sued for several information and financial rights based on its position as a limited partner of the defendant. The defendant asserted that these rights had already been satisfied or the rights which the plaintiff was claiming were not in accordance with the shareholder resolutions; Finow Industrie Rohrleitungsbau GmbH & Co. KG / MAB Austria GmbH, Counsel – The arbitration proceedings were governed by the rules of the International Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Vienna. The place of arbitration was Vienna . The plaintiff sued for additional payment. It argued that supplementary work had to be done to provide the piping for a power plant station. The defendant asserted that the work done was encompassed by the performance target of the original agreement.
Anwaltkommentar BGB, Volume 2 Schuldrecht, subvolume 2, 2005; Scheef, Neues und Bekanntes in der geänderten SO Bau, BauRB 2005, p.215 – 217; Scheef, Konsortialvertrag - Auswirkungen von Nachforderungen auf das Innenverhältnis der Konsorten, MDR 2005, p. 603 – 608; Dr. Antonius Ewers/Dr. Hans-Claudius Scheef, Risiken bei der Abfassung von ARGEVerträgen, Der Baurechtsberater 2005,p.24– 26; Scheef, Das Außenkonsortium der Anlagenbauer als OHG - Konsequenzen aus OLG Dresden (-2 U 1928/01-) und KG Berlin (-29 AR 54/01-), BauR 2004, Heft 7, p. 1079 – 1089; Scheef, Ablauf von Schiedsverfahren nach der SGO Bau, BauRB 04, p. 350-352; Scheef, Risiken bei der zwangsweisen Durchsetzung der Eintragung einer Bauhandwerkersicherungshypothek, BauRB 04, p. 186 – 188; Der einstweilige Rechtsschutz und die Stellung der Schiedsrichter bei dem Abschluss von Schiedsvergleichen nach dem deutschen und englischen Schiedsverfahrensrecht: Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung, volume 3 der Schriftenreihe der August-Maria-B. Stif.