Gustaf Möller

Unioninkatu 22
Helsinki 00130
J Judge Supreme Court of Finland 1992-2009, Chief Judge of Toijala District Court 1986-1992, Counsellor of Legislation Ministry of Justice 1975-1986, Acting Professor Helsinki University 1970-1975 and 1980.
Chairman of Finnish Arbitration Association Chairman of the Finnish Branch of International Law Association, Former Chairman of The Board of the Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce.
Member, ICSID Panel of Arbitrators, designated by Finland, KLRCA Panel of Arbitrators.
Over (50) arbitrations (most international) as chairman, sole arbitrator or party-appointed arbitrator. This includes SCC, Danish Institute of Arbitration, ICC; ICSID, LCIA, VIAC and ad hoc.
Välimiesmenettelyn perusteet (1997). Numerous articles on arbitration, civil procedure and private international law.