Giulio Rosauer

Via Umbria 7
00187 Rome
Lawyer, private practice (1961- ); Assistant to the U.S. Representative, Italian U.S. Conciliation Commission (1960); Member: 2nd Working Group (Arbitration) of UNCITRAL – as delegate from Italy - entrusted with the amendments to be introduced into the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (2004-2005); UN/ECE Advisory Group on the 1961 European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration; Commission on Arbitration and Task force on Arbitrating Competition Law Issues of the International Chamber of Commerce; Special Committee under the 1961 European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration (ECICA).
American Chamber of Commerce in Italy; British Chamber of Commerce in Italy; IBA; ILA; Italian Bar Assoc.; ICC, Italian Section (member of Board of Directors); European Lawyer’s Union; A.I.A. - Associazione Italiana per l'Arbitrato (member of Board of Trustees)
A.I.A. Vice President of the Court of Arbitration; American Film Marketing Assoc., Italian panel; ICC, Italian national committee
Neutral Arbitrator, ICC case, Swiss company v. East European agency (1986); Neutral Arbitrator, ICC case, British air transportation company v. British company (1998); Neutral Arbitrator, AIA case, Italian Company v. Japanese Company (1992); Party-appointed arbitrator, ICC case, East European agency v. Italian company (1983); Party-appointed arbitrator, A.I.A. case, East European agency v. Italian company (1985); Counsel, ICC case, re: real estate investment made by Arabs in Italy (1969); Counsel, ICC case, re: default under construction contract (1988); Counsel, ICC case, Far Eastern Company v. Italian distributor (1996); Counsel, ICC case, Italian company v. U.S. company (1997); Party – appointed arbitrator, A.I.A. case, controversy between two Italian Companies (2004); President of Arbitral Tribunal, ICC case, Far Eastern Company v. African Government re: agreements for construction of plants (2003-2004).
Author of the book “La risoluzione alternativa delle controversie. Conciliazione personale e telematica, evoluzione e prospettive” (2007) and of numerous articles re: EEC law, Italian law, Italian tax system.