Gabriel M. Wilner

University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602
Thomas Kirbo Professor of International Law, Associate Dean and Director of International and Graduate Legal Studies, Univ. of Georgia Law School (1973- ); Adjunct Professor of International Economic Law, Vrije Univ. Brussels (1976- ); Consultant, UNCTC (1986-1991); Consultant on investment laws, PTA of Eastern and Southern Africa (1986- 1990), Investment and Transfer of Technology, CEAO, West Africa; Legal
Officer, UNCITRAL, United Nations (1969-1973); Consultant, UNCTAD (1974-1986); Consultant, Atlanta Law Firms (1980- ); Director, Brussels
Seminar on the Law and Institutions of the European Communities (1973- )
AAA; American Society of International Law; International Bar Association; ABA; American Intellectual Property Law Association; ABA - International Section
Sole or party-appointed arbitrator, IATA Agent arbitrations under auspices of ICC (1977-80); Arbitrations under UNCITRAL rules, re: natural resources agreements (1985-88); under ICC Rules, re: The Roster of International Arbitrators (Rel. 11-2007) commercial agreements (1991-1993); UNCITRAL Rules and Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, re: construction and commercial agreement (1995-1998)
Author, Domke, Commercial Arbitration (rev. ed. 1984);Co-draftsman, Georgia Arbitration Code (incl. Part 2 on international arbitration) (1988).