Francisco Gonzalez de Cossio

Bosque de Acacias #61-B
Bosques de las Lomas
Miguel Hidalgo
11700 Mexico, D.F.
Attorney-at-Law, Barrera, Siqueiros & Torres Landa (2/1995-9/2006). President, Mexican Construction Industry Arbitration Centre (Centro de Arbitraje de la Industria de la Construcción – CAIC).
ICC International Court of Arbitration; London Court of International Arbitration; American Arbitration Association (AAA-ICDR); Court of Arbitration for Sport (Tribunal Arbitral du Sport⎯TAS) Centro de Arbitraje de Mexico (CAM); Arbitration Commission of the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce (CANACO); Centro de Arbitraje de la Industria de la Construcción (CAIC)
As advocate, acted as counsel (Plaintiff or Defendant) in more than 60 cases, ranging from domestic, international, ad hoc and institutional arbitrations, and including investment arbitration. In this field Dr. González de Cossío advocated the first ICC investment case ever and is currently acting in two high profile investment claims brought against two Latin American countries, one of them exceeding a one billion US claim.
As Arbitrator, Dr. González de Cossío has acted in more than 50 (domestic and international) cases, including International Commercial Arbitration and Sports Arbitration, and has chaired over a dozen tribunals. Fields of particular specialty and frequency of designation are complex energy and construction disputes. Mr. González de Cossío is one of Latin America’s most active and sought after arbitrator.
Author of book Arbitraje (2004, 2011), Arbitraje y la Judicatura (2007), Arbitraje Deportivo (2006), Competencia Económica: Aspectos Jurídicos y Económicos (2005), El Árbitro (2008) and El Estado de Derecho: Un Enfoque Económico (2007) as well as more than 200 articles on arbitration, investment arbitration, antitrust, and corporate law.