Fabien Gélinas

McGill University
Faculty of Law
3644 Peel Street
Montreal H3A 1W9
Associate Dean, McGill University Faculty of Law (2007-2008); Director, Institute of Comparative Law, McGill University (2004-2007); General Counsel, International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) (1998-2000); Lecturer, Paris Institute of Comparative Law (Université de Paris II - Panthéon Assas) (1996-1997); Law Clerk to Mr Justice Charles Doherty Gonthier, Supreme Court of Canada (1989-1990).
ICC Commission of International Arbitration, Canadian Arbitration Committee, International Council for Commercial Arbitration.
Canadian Arbitration Committee (ICC); Who’s Who Legal – Arbitration.
Chair, co-arbitrator and sole arbitrator in administered and non-administered international cases ranging from five million to two billion dollars, under the laws of England, France, Barbados, Luxembourg, New York, Delaware, California, New Jersey, Quebec, Ontario, and transnational and international law, in matters concerning Energy, Telecoms, Licencing, Patents, Trademark, Internet, Distribution, Sales, Investment, and Islamic Banking. Counsel to an American investor in a dispute under an investment treaty with a European state; Counsel to a government in an ad hoc arbitration involving a multi-million dollar tax administration agreement with another government. General Counsel of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (1998-2000).
Trade Usages and Implied Terms in the Age of Arbitration (New York: OUP, 2016); “Arbitration as transnational governance by contract”, Transnational Legal Theory, (2016) 7:2, 181’; “The Investigative Powers of the Arbitrator” (2015) 46 Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem e Mediação (with G. Marchisio); “Forme et légitimité de la Justice – Regard sur le rôle des rituels judiciaires” (avec C. Camion & K. Bates), (2014) 72 Revue interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques 37; “The Implementation and Application of the New York Arbitration Convention in Canada” (with F. Bachand) (2014) 92 Canadian Bar Review; The Model Law after 25 Years: Global Perspectives on International Arbitration Law (New York: Juris, 2013); D’une réforme à une autre: Regards croisés sur l’arbitrage au Québec (Montréal: Carswell, 2013); Le Règlement en ligne des conflits : Enjeux de la cyberjustice (Paris: Romillat, 2003); “The Independence of International Arbitrators and Judges: Tampered With or Well-Tempered”?, (2011) 24 New York International Law Review, 1; “Peeking Through the Form of Uniform Law: International Arbitration Practice and Legal Harmonization”, (2010) 27 Journal of International Arbitration, 317.