Erling Chr. O. Selvig

University of Oslo
Karl Johans gt. 47
0162 Oslo
Professor of Law (1964- ); Chairman of Banking, Insurance and Securities Commission, Norway (1986- ); Chairman of several Law revision committees, including the Norwegian Maritime Law Commission (1983- ); the Norwegian Banking Law Commission (1991- ); member, Norwegian Law Revision Commission on Sales Law (1980-1987); Norwegian representative to UNCITRAL, UNCTAD and IMO (1972-1980); President, the UN Conference on Multimodal Transport 1980; member, the Board of the Oslo Institute of Arbitration (1989- )
Chairman or sole arbitrator in a number of disputes relating to charterparties and carriage by sea, shipping partnerships and companies in Norway (1975- ); Member of arbitral panel in a dispute between British and Norwegian pipeline operators relating to transport obligations and tariffs (ICC arbitration 1990-1991); dispute between Norwegian and US defence contractors relating to long term cooperation (ICC arbitration
1991-1993); Chairman, arbitral panel for a construction and cooperation contract between a Swedish and a Russian firm (1993)
Author of books and numerous articles on contract law, maritime and transportation law, and petroleum law.