Elliott Geisinger

15bis, rue des Alpes
P.O. Box 2088
Geneva CH 1211
Vice President Swiss Arbitration Association (“ASA”) (since 2010); Member of the Executive Board of ASA (since 2007); Member, Arbitration Committee of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1999-2003); Associate, Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva (1996-2001); Associate, Baker & McKenzie, Geneva (1995); Legal Clerkship, Baker & McKenzie, Geneva (1992-1994); Teaching and Research Assistant, University of
Geneva, Department of Private International Law (1986-1992)
see Arbitration Experience
Arbitration cases as counsel, sole arbitrator, chairman or co-arbitrator in nearly 100 cases, under the ICC Rules, the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, LCIA, UNCITRAL ad hoc, the Vienna Rules, the Geneva Chamber of Commerce Rules, the Zurich Chamber of Commerce Rules, the Arbitration Rules of the Chambre Arbitrale de Paris; various ad hoc arbitration. Cases seated in Switzerland, France, Germany, England, Austria, Romania, South Korea and the Philippines, with governing laws from various jurisdictions.
Secretary General of the World Cup Division 2002 of the Arbitration Tribunal for Football (“TAF”). Counsel in arbitration-related court proceedings in Switzerland, including several reported cases of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court.
The Uncomfortable Truth: Once Discovered, What to Do with It? in: The Search for “Truth” in Arbitration: Is Finding the Truth what Dispute Resolution is About?, edited by Markus Wirth and Christina Jodidio, ASA Special Series No. 35, New York 2011; Transparency, “Extension” of Arbitral Clauses to Non-Signatories and “Piercing the Corporate Veil” – All Meet in a Decision by the Swiss Supreme Court, in: Bénédict Foëx and Laurent Hirsch (Eds), Transparence et secret dans l'ordre juridique, Liber Amicorum pour Vincent Jeanneret, Geneva 2010, pp. 213 – 222; (co-author) Commentary of Articles II and XVI of the New York Convention, in: Herbert Kronke, Patricia Nacimiento, Dirk Otto and Nicola Christine Port (Eds), Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards – A Global Commentary on the New York Convention, Kluwer Law International 2010, pp. 37-114 and 555-558; How to work with the Swiss Rules – The Arbitrator’s View, in: Swiss Chambers’ Court of Arbitration and Mediation on “Five Years’ Experience with the Swiss Rules”, 2009; Dispute Avoidance in International Construction Projects: the Use of Outside Counsel as Project Manager, in: (2009) 25 Construction Law Journal No. 1, pp. 11-23.