Dimitrios Oekonomidis

9 Sina Str.
GR 106 80 Athens
Scientific Fellow Assistant, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Patent-, Urheber-und Wettbewerbsrecht, Munich (1973- ); Elected as “Privatdozent”, Univ. of Munich, Faculty of Law (1973); Scientific Assistant, Institut für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Univ. of Munich (1969-1972)
IBA; Union Internationale des Avocats; Union of European Practitioners in Industrial Property; Verein der Deutschen Juristen; Int'l Society of Comparative Law; Int'l Assoc. of European Law; Int'l Council for Commercial Arbitration
A.S.A.; LCIA; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Party-appointed arbitrator and chairman in several domestic and ICC arbitrations: Kati GmbH (Germany) v. Kanon AG (Greece) re: execution of orders and payment of invoices; P. Karadontis (Greece) v. Autel GmbH (Austria), re: payment under a contract of sale
Author of numerous publications, including chapters in books and articles in law reviews and professional journals.