Diego P. Fernández Arroyo

4, rue Rollin
75005 Paris (France)
Chair, sole arbitrator, or member of the tribunal in international and domestic arbitration proceedings, ad hoc (including UNCITRAL) and under the aegis of the ICC, ICSID, Brazilian Center of Mediation and Arbitration (CBAM), Bogota Chamber of Commerce, Milano Arbitration Chamber.
Other Academic Activities: Visiting Scholar in a number of Universities, among others: California (Davis), Ottawa, Harvard, National Autonomous of Mexico, Iberoamericana (Mexico), Bocconi (Milan), IUC (Torino), Fribourg, Los Andes (Bogotá), Sydney, Doshisha (Kyoto), Kansai (Osaka), Waseda (Tokyo), Central de Venezuela (Caracas), Rio de Janeiro State, Havana, Montevideo, Asuncion, Paris II – Honorary Professor of the Universities of Buenos Aires and National of Cordoba (Argentina)
ICSID (appointed by Argentina); Founding Member of the Argentinean Committee for National and Transnational Arbitration (CARAT); International Arbitration Institute (IAI, Paris); Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration; Lima Chamber of Commerce; Bogotá Chamber of Commerce; Arbitration Chamber of the Market (Brazil); Bolivian Chamber of Hydrocarbons and Energy; etc.
I. Books (selection): The Continuing Relevance of Private International Law and its Challenges (with F. Ferrari, eds.), Edward Elgar (2019); Global Private International Law: Adjudication without Frontiers (with L. Bizikova and others, eds.), Edward Elgar (2019); The Past, Present and Future of Comparative Law (with K. Boele-Woelki, eds.), Springer (2018); Enforcement and Effectiveness of the Law (with N. Etcheverry Estrázulas, eds.), Springer (2018); Contratos internacionales (with J.A. Moreno Rodríguez, eds.), OAS/ASADIP (2016); Private International Law in Spain (with M. Checa Martínez and P. Maestre Casas), Wolters Kluwer (2016); Private International Law and Global Governance (with H. Muir Watt, eds.), Oxford University Press, (2014); Codification du droit privé et évolution du droit de l’arbitrage (with B. Fauvarque-Cosson and J. Monéger, eds.), Société de législation comparé (2014); Cuestiones claves del arbitraje internacional (with E. Gaillard, eds.), UR / CEDEP (2013); Contratos y arbitraje en la era global / Contrats et arbitrage à l’ére globale (with J.C. Rivera, eds.), AADC / CEDEP (2012); Private International Law and Public International Law – A Necessary Meeting (with C. Lima Marques, eds.), ASADIP / CEDEP (2011); Consumer Protection in International Private Relationships / La protection des consommateurs dans les relations privées internationales (ed.), CEDEP / Brasilcon (2010); ¿Cómo se codifica hoy el derecho comercial internacional? (with J. Basedow and J.A. Moreno Rodríguez, eds.), Asunción, Thomson Reuters / CEDEP (2010); Tendencias y relaciones del derecho internacional privado americano actual (with N. González Martín, eds.), UNAM / Porrúa (2010); Compétence exclusive et compétence exorbitante dans les relations privées internationales, Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law 323 (2006) 9-260 (published 2008)
II. Articles and book chapters (selection): “Soft law and arbitral procedure – A conditioned but inescapable couple”, European International Arbitration Review (forthcoming); “The progressive evolution of private international law: from State centralisation to denationalisation and beyond”, in Globalization and Private International Law, Moscow, Jurist (forthcoming); “Private International Law and International Commercial Arbitration – A Dialogue about the Usefulness and Awareness of the Former for the Latter” (with G. Cordero-Moss), in V. Ruiz Abou-Nigm and M. B. Noodt Taquela (eds.), Diversity and Integration in Private International Law, Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming);“Legitimacy of international arbitration: commercial v. investment”, in A. Bjorklund / F. Ferrari / S. Kröll (eds.), Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Cambridge University Press (forthcoming); “Public and Private International Law in International Courts and Tribunals – Evidences of an Inescapable Interaction” (with M.M. Mbengue), Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 56 (2018) 797-854; “The curious case of an arbitration with two annulments courts: comments on the YPF saga”, Arbitration International 33-2 (2017) 317-344; “Argentina: The Changing Character of Foreign Law in Argentinian Legal System” (with P.M. All), in Y. Nishitani (ed.), Treatment of Foreign Law – Dynamics towards Convergence, Springer (2017) 452-472; “Arbitrators’ Procedural Powers: The Last Frontier of Party Autonomy?”, in F. Ferrari (ed.), Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration, NYU/Juris (2016) 199-231; “The growing significance of set of principles to govern trans-boundary private relationships”, in Eppur si muove: The Age of Uniform Law. Essays in honour of Michael Joachim Bonell to celebrate his 70th birthday, vol. 1, UNIDROIT (2016) 251-272; “The new Argentinian arbitration law: a train in an unknown direction?“ (with E.H. Vetulli), Arbitration International 32 (2016) 349-372; “The Legitimacy and Public Accountability of Global Litigation – The Particular Case of Transnational Arbitration”, in H.-W. Micklitz / A. Wechsler (eds.), The Transformation of Enforcement, Hart (2016) 355-373; “The New Private International Law of the Argentinian Republic within the Context of Global Conflict Developments”, RabelsZ 80 (2016) 130-150; “Transparencia en el arbitraje de inversiones”, in A. Tanzi / A. Asteriti / R. Polanco Lazo / P. Turrini (eds.), International Investment Law in Latin America: Problems and Prospects, Brill/Nijhoff, (2016) 244-271; “A New Autonomous Dimension for the Argentinian Private International Law”, Yearbook of Private International Law XVI (2014/2015) 217-231; “La tendance à la limitation de la compétence judiciaire à l’épreuve du droit d’accès à la justice”, in Mélanges Bernard Audit, Dalloz (2014) 285-306; “Los precedentes y la formación de una jurisprudencia arbitral”, in E. Gaillard / D.P. Fernández Arroyo (eds.), Cuestiones claves del arbitraje internacional, UR / CEDEP (2013) 225-262; “New trends in Latin American arbitration”, in G. Cordero Moss (ed.), Trends and Features in International Arbitration, Cambridge University Press (2013) 398-426; “Réflexions autour du besoin réciproque entre le droit international privé et le droit international public”, in The 90th Birthday of Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Tribute of the Curatorium to its President, Hague Academy of International Law /Martinus Nijhoff (2012) 113-135; “Las contribuciones de la CNUDMI/UNCITRAL en materia de arbitraje: razones y políticas de una década altamente productiva” (with Pilar Perales Viscasillas), Revista de Derecho Comparado 20 (2012) 37-67; “Argentine - Chronique de jurisprudence de droit international privé”, Journal de droit international 139 (2012) 231-264 ; “Artículo 18”, “Artículo 28” and “Artículo 32”, in P. Perales Viscasillas / Ignacio Torterola (eds.), Nuevo Reglamento de Arbitraje de la CNUDMI 2010 Anotado y Comentado, Legis (2011) 181-193, 285-293, 313-316; “Giurisdizione in materia di beni mobili”, in Protezione della proprietà intelletuale e artistica (a cura di Vitulia Ivone), Rubbettino (2011) 57-72; “La reparación de los daños causados por violación del convenio arbitral” (with C. Kleiner), in C.A. Soto Coaguila (ed.), El convenio arbitral, t. I, PUJ / IPA / Ibáñez (2011) 72-85; “Forum Selection Clauses within the Mercosouthern Law : the Hard Implementation of an Accepted Rule”, Uniform Law Review (2008-3) 873-890
A number of forewords, book notes, case notes and commentaries on Arbitration, Private International Law, International Business Law, Comparative Law, EU Law and Latin-American Law.