Delissa A. Ridgway

U.S. Court of International Trade
One Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278
Adjunct Professor of International Law, Cornell Law School (1999-present); Chair, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the U.S. (1994-1998); Member, International Practice Group, Shaw Pittman Potts & Trowbridge (1979-1994); Adjunct Professor of International Law, American Univ./Washington College of Law (1992-1994); Consultant to numerous international organizations (1990-present), including United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, Helsinki Commission, Council of Europe, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Agency for International Development, and U.S. Information Agency; Law Clerk, United States District Court for District of Columbia (1979)
The District of Columbia Bar; Amercian Law Institute; Assoc. of the Bar of the City of New York; Federal Judges Assoc.; National Assoc. of Women Judges; American Bar Foundation; D.C. Circuit Judicial Conference; Federal Bar Association; Federal Bar Foundation; Women's Bar Assoc.; Women's Bar Assoc. Foundation; ABA
ICC International Court of Arbitration/U.S. Council for International Business; AAA (International Panel)
Former Chair of permanent three-member international tribunal responsible for adjudicating claims of U.S. nationals against other governments (e.g., the Iran-U.S. claims, claims against Vietnam, claims against Albania and claims against Cuba, as well as claims of U.S. survivors of the Holocaust against Germany); Arbitrator or Counsel, international arbitration of more than a dozen arbitrations, primarily before the ICC and the International Arbitral Center in Vienna (1987- )
Author of articles on arbitration, litigation, international claims and administrative law published in professional journals; Frequent speaker on international commercial arbitration, international claims, customs and international trade law, and international business transactions: “The Role of Judges as Guardians of the ADR Process,” Commercial ADR in the XXI Century: The Road Ahead for Latin American and the Caribbean, sponsored by the Multilateral Investment Fund, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the AAA (Oct. 27, 2000); Keynote Remarks, Fifth Biennial Dispute Resolution Conference, International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions (May 14, 1999); and other speeches.