Deborah Masucci

20 Polhemus Place
Brooklyn, NY 11215
United States
Vice President, Office of Dispute Resolution, American International Group;
Vice President and Head of Professional Development, JAMS;
Consultant, PriceWaterhouse;
Vice President FINRA and NASD;
Adjunct, Fordham University School of Law, International Comparative Dispute Resolution;
Adjunct, Cardozo Law School, International Dispute Resolution;
Instructor, Pace-IICL Certificate Program on Mediation Advocacy Skills: Domestic and International Commercial Disputes;
Adjunct, Brooklyn Law School, Civil Practice Clinic and Director of the Securities Arbitration Clinic;
Visiting Professor, New York Law School Mediation Clinic;
Faculty, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Senior Executive Diploma Course Mediation Advocacy;
Co-Dean School of Claims Mediation of the Claims College- Claims and Litigation Management Alliance;
International Arbitration Club of New York;
C-Chair International Mediation Institute;
Delegate to UNCITRAL’s Working Group II;
American Bar Association (Dispute Resolution Sections, Past Chair); Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM);
Member, International Chamber of Commerce Expert Panel;
New York City Bar Association (past Chair of Arbitration Committee, member of the Executive Committee, member of International Dispute Committee, and Member of the NYSBA House of Delegates);
New York State Bar Association (past Chair of the Dispute Resolution Section);
American College of Civil Trial Mediators (ACCTM);
Board of Editors - Securities Arbitration Commentator;
Arbitrator Intelligence, Board of Advisors;
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators;
American Arbitration Association - Commercial Arbitration, Large and Complex Cases, Employment Panels, and International Panels;
American Health Care Lawyers Association - Arbitrator and Mediator;
Fair Claims - Arbitrator;
The Forum - Arbitrator;
Eastern District of New York Storm Sandy Arbitration and Mediation Panels;
Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Resolution Program Pursuant to Part 137 of Chief Administrator, Office of Court Administration, New York State;
Appointed as an arbitrator in over 300 matters and a mediator in over 20 cases resolving disputes involving: business/commercial, employment, franchise, property damage, insurance coverage, business interruption, breach of contract and professional fees.
Appointed as an Arbitrator/Chair for a three member tribunal in a multi-million dollar ICDR claim between two insurance companies for breach of contract. Award issued under ICDR rules
Appointed as an arbitrator in substantial number of employment breach of contract, wrongful discharge, FSLA, and discrimination disputes involving senior professional and line employees and employers as well as senior employee executive contract disputes.
Appointed to mediate a case involving failure to pay premiums under a workers compensation policy that included a profit sharing component
Appointed as a special master to review confidential client records to determine whether a party stole client records.
" Moving Mediation Practice Forward - Is it Time for Certification?" NYSBA NEW YORK DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAWYER, 2019; “The Singapore Convention - A First Look,” Co Author, NYSBA NEW YORK DISPUTE RESOLUTION LAWYER, 2018;
"Access to Justice - The Road Ahead: What is the Role of the Lawyer/Advisor and Education?" Fordham International Law Journal Volume 40 Issue 3 Article 10, 2017 pages 973-980;
"Transforming Business Through Proactive Dispute Management" Cardozo J. of Conflict Resolution Vol 18:659-676, 2017 Co Author;
“Dispute Resolution: Where We Are And The Promise For The Future” Corporate Disputes Magazine Jan-March 2017 Issue pages 110-114; “How Labor and Management are Using Mediation” ABA DR Just Resolutions, October 2016 Issue;
“The Global Pound Conference: The Journey to Determine the Needs of Users Has Started” NYSBA New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Summer 2016 Vol.9 No. 2;
“The Global Pound Conference Series” co Author ABA Dispute Resolution Magazine, Winter 2016;
ADR In Employment Law, Co-Author of Chapter 4 Alternative Dispute Resolution Providers and the Resolution of Employment Disputes, published by the ABA through Bloomberg BNA 2015;
“Moving Forward for the Benefit of our Members: Minorities in Dispute Resolution (MIDR)” ABA DR Just Resolutions, May 2015 Issue;
“The Dismal State of Diversity: Mapping a Chart for Change” American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution, Co Author, Dispute Resolution Magazine, Fall 2014;
"Crossroads the Intersection of AFAs and ADR" Co Author Winter 2012 Claims and Litigation Management Alliance Magazine;
"A Win Win Strategy Embracing Planned Early Dispute Resolution" Co Author Summer 2012 Claims and Litigation Management Alliance Magazine;
"The Dispute Resolution Program: How Value Added Corporate Strategies Secure Efficiency and Savings", Co Author AAA Dispute Resolution Journal. April 2012;
"A Perfect Storm is Gathering", Co-Author, International Mediation Institute - IMI, February 2009;
"Establishing a Culture and Framework to Coach Conflict Resolution within the Corporation", Dispute Resolution Magazine, Fall 2008, published by the DR Section of the American Bar Association Volume 15, Number 1;
Alternative Dispute Resolution Guide - Chapter 21 Securities Arbitration, edited by Bette J. Rothe, Randall W. Wulff, and Charles A. Cooper; published by West Group