Craig Edward Stein

1814 N.E. Miami Gardens Drive
Suite 500
North Miami Beach, Florida 33179
Of Counsel, Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman, Lipoff, Rosen & Quentel, P.A., Miami (1992-95 ); Of Counsel, Fine Jacobson Schwartz Nash & Block, Miami (1990-1992); Associate, Fine Jacobson Schwartz Nash & Block, Miami (1988-1990); Craig Edward Stein, P.A., Miami (1987-1988); Associate, Arky, Freed, Stearns, Watson & Greer (1984-1987); Law Clerk, Hon. Samuel J. Roberts, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (1981-1984)
The Florida Bar, Section of International Law; Presidential Appointment to Florida Bar Special Committee on Judicial Independence; Southeast United States/Japan Assoc., Florida Chapter, General Counsel; Cuban-American Bar Assoc. of Florida; American Bar Association, International Law Section, Arbitration Committee; ARIAS-US (Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society); Fellow, The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
American Arbitration Association; The New York Stock Exchange; The National Association of Securities Dealers; London Court of International Arbitration; National Arbitration Forum, World Intellectual Property Organization
Arbitrator, presiding arbitrator or counsel in international and large domestic commercial cases; all decisions confidential except for those rendered under auspices of NASD and WIPO.
“Class Actions Pursuant to Florida Rules of Civil Procedure,” Lawyers Cooperative Practice Guide, Florida Trial and Appeal, American Inns of Court Civil Procedure Series.