Christopher Newmark

Spenser Underhill Newmark LLP
4-5 Gray’s Inn Square
Gray’s Inn
London WC1R 5AH
Associate, Baker & McKenzie, London 1990–1997; Partner, Baker & McKenzie 1997–2007: Chair of European Dispute Resolution Group, Baker & McKenzie 2003–2007, Visiting Senior Lecturer, School of International Arbitration, Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University 2006–.
Chairman, ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR 2014-17; Vice Chairman, ICC Commission on Arbitration 2008–2013 and 2017 -; Board Director, CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution 2007–2009; Member of LCIA, ICC and CEDR; Rapporteur, CEDR Commission on Settlement in International Arbitration.
CEDR; Sport Resolutions UK.
International arbitration specialist as counsel for over 20 years; appointed regularly by LCIA court as chair, sole and panel arbitrator, appointed by ICC court as chairman and as panel arbitrator; appointed by ICC as first emergency arbitrator under the new ICC Emergency Arbitrator Provisions; party appointed as LCIA, ICC. DIAC, DIFC-LCIA and SCC arbitrator; appointed as sole arbitrator by CEDR; appointed as panel arbitrator by Sport Resolutions UK.
Arbitration of M&A Transactions (Globe Law and Business 2014) – chapter on Confidentiality; International Arbitration Law Review (Vol.13, issue 5, 2010) – article entitled “Efficient, Economical and Fair – the mantra of the new
IBA Rules”; Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration (Juris Publishing, Second Edition, 2008)—chapter on controlling time and cost; Butterworths Mediators on Mediation: Leading Mediator Perspectives on the Practice of Commercial Mediation (Tottel, 2005) co-edited with Anthony Monaghan; International Arbitration Checklists (Juris Publishing 2004)—Chapter entitled “Expert Evidence”; International Commercial Arbitration: Practical Perspectives, (The Centre of Construction Law and Management, 200t) chapter entitled “ADR and International Arbitration: an evolving relationship.”