Carl F. Salans

5 Boulevard Malesherbes
Paris 75008
Assistant Legal Adviser for Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State 1962; Assistant Legal Adviser for Latin American Affairs 1964; Principal Deputy Legal Adviser, Department of State, 1966–1972; Legal Adviser to U.S. Delegation to Laos Conference (Geneva) 1962; To U.S. Delegation to Vietnam Peace Talks (Paris), 1968–1972; U.S. representative to Paris conference to negotiate UNESCO World Heritage Convention, 1972; Partner, Salans 1978–1998. Vice-Chairman ICC International Court of
Arbitration, 2000 to Present; Chairman of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, 2008; Alternate Judge, Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal (The Hague), 1985 to Present; Member ICC Commission on Arbitration; member Editorial Board, ICC Arbitration Bulletin.
ICC; LCIA; AAA; ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association)
Counsel, Chairman of Arbitral Tribunals or Co- Arbitrator in well over 100 international arbitrations