Berthold H. Hoeniger

260 Madison Avenue, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Partner, Bailey, Marshall & Hoeniger (1975-1992); Partner, Landis, Carrow, Bernson & Tucker (1963-1975); Law Clerk, Judge Wm. Bondy, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (1950-1951).
AAA; ASIL; Association of the Bar of the City of New York; Center for Public Resources; Connecticut Bar Association; Federal Bar Association; New York State Bar Association.
AAA; The Private Adjudication Center (Private Judge); Endispute (New York); NASD.
Counsel and arbitrator in numerous AAA, I.C.C., and ad hoc proceedings, e.g.: Compagnie Agricole d’Afrique v. Uganda Coffee Marketing Board, re: cargo of coffee beans; Wien Air Alaska v. SOCAL, re: 10-year aviation fuel supply contract and multi-tiered price control; Singer Co. v. Govt. of Israel, re: defense contract.
Commercial Arbitration Handbook (Parker-Griffin 1991); Tools to Tailor AAA Arbitrations for Large, Complex Matters, 43 Arbitration J. 15 (March 1989); The Post-Liberation Nationalization in France, 50 Colum L. Rev. 629 (1950).