Bernard Rix

20 Essex Street
United Kingdom
Counsel at 3 Essex Court between 1970-1993 in leading cases including Mareva, the Nema, I Congreso del Partido, Gill & Duffus v Berger, Channel Tunnel v Balfour. Appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1981. Appointed as a judge in the High Court 1993 sitting predominantly in the Commercial Court, of which I was judge in charge between 1998-1999 during the introduction of the new Civil Procedural Rules (CPR). Appointed to the Court of Appeal 2000 until my retirement in 2013. There I heard numerous cases in arbitration, banking, shipping, insurance, private and public international law and commercial law generally.
FCIArb (1999); Former Chairman of COMBAR (1992-1993); President of the Harvard Law School Association UK (2002- ); Chairman Advisory Council of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies QMUL (2003- ); President of BILA (2007); Trustee for BIICL (British Institute of International and Comparative Law) (2003-2012).
Chairman, Party Appointed and Sole Arbitrator in numerous arbitrations according to ICC, LCIA, SIAC, UNCITRAL, LMAA rules. Expert Opinion in an ICSID arbitration. Examples of recently concluded arbitrations include the termination of a contract to build a large infrastructure project and a preemption dispute concerning participation in an oilfield.
‘International Arbitration, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’, 72(3) (2006) Arbitration 224; ‘Lord Bingham’s Contributions to Commercial Law’ in M. Andenas and D. Fairgrieve (eds.) Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law (Oxford: OUP, 2009) 665; ‘The interface of mediation and litigation’ 80(1) (2014) Arbitration 21; ‘The Ethical Duties of Experts to the Tribunal’ 80(3) 2014 Arbitration 290; ‘Judicial review of the merits of arbitration awards under English’ Selected Topics in International Arbitration: Liber Amicorum for the 100th Anniversary of the CIArb (forthcoming).