Benoit Le Bars

Lazareff Le Bars
22 rue du Général Foy 75008 Paris
Since 2010 Founding partner of Lazareff Le Bars; Partner Hammonds & Hausmann (2007-2009); Lawyer Landwell & Associés (2005-2007); Iliade Avocats Paris (2004); Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom (2003); Lawyer at the Cour de cassation (1998-2004).
Associated Professor Vermont Law School (USA); Director Postgraduate Program in business law (Master II DJCE) of Cergy-Pontoise University law school (Paris); Senior lecturer Cergy-Pontoise University law school; Permanent member of the ICC International arbitration commission; Member of the French ICC Committee of Arbitration (ICC France); Member of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA); Member of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA); Admitted to the Common Court of Arbitration for OHADA Law (CCJA); Member of the International Arbitration Institute (IAI); Member of the French Arbitration Association (AFA); Member of the Paris Center for Mediation & Arbitration (CMAP); Member of the French Association for Corporate Governance (AFGE), former General Secretary of AFGE (2007);Member of the European Arbitration Center (EAC)-Bruxelles/Kiev; Member of the School of the Bar; Former member of the scientific committee of IFA association (French association for corporate governance) (2009).
ICC, CCJA (Common Court of Arbitration for OHADA law), LCIA, ad hoc (UNCITRAL), etc.
Presiding arbitrator, sole arbitrator, arbitrator and counsel in international arbitration proceedings (ICC, LCIA, CCJA, UNCITRAL, ad hoc, etc.).
- Droit des sociétés et de l’arbitrage international (Lextenso édition, 2011)
- Minority shareholders associations (Bibliothèque de droit privé, Tome 392, LGDJ)
- Uniformed business law in Africa (OHADA rules) (Lexisnexis 2004)
- Treaty of International commerce law (LGDJ 2005)
- French Private Limited Liability company (SAS) (Collective work, Francis Lefebvre Ed, 2007)
- Uniform company and arbitration law in Africa (Joly Editions 2010
...numerous articles on international arbitration, company law, banking law and OHADA law in French and foreign law reviews
Research groups & organizations:
- Associated expert in international arbitration for Essec law school
- Member of the research center for financial law, Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne University law school (CRDF)
- Member of the private & business law research center, Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne University law school
- Vice-president Association for Financial Law Sorbonne (ADFIN-Sorbonne)