Benedikt Spiegelfeld

Parkring 2, A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Vienna A-1010
Attorney-at-law since November 1979
Since the year 2000: Chairman and party appointed co-arbitrator as well as counsel in numerous institutional and ad-hoc arbitration proceedings.
Franchising im Wandel, Gedächtnisschrift für Walther Skaupy, Der Franchisevertrag und das österreichische Konsumentenschutzgesetz, Verlag C.H.Beck, 2003. Articles: Overview of Franchising in Austria, International Encyclopaedia of Franchising Law, Mendelsohn, Richmond, 2004; Making EC Competition Law applicable where in principle it should not be applied, International Journal of Franchising and Distribution Law, volume 2, issue 3, 2000; Price fixing under Austrian cartel law (Festschrift Dr. Hempel, 1997); The requirement to register Franchise Agreements with the cartel authorities in Austria, Journal of International Franchising and Distribution Law, volume 9, no. 1, 1995, pp. 26ff; The termination of Franchise and Distribution Agreements in Austria, Journal of International Franchising and Distribution Law, volume 7, no. 3, 1993, pp. 136ff. Electronic Publications: Negotiations and Conclusion of Contract according to European Standards; ( Standard Distribution and Service Franchise Agreement, Haude Publishers; (