Axel H. Baum

Hughes Hubbard & Reed
8 rue de Presbourg
75116 Paris
Partner, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, (1964-2002); former Managing Partner European Office (1966-2002); visiting lawyer Lovell White & King, London (1960)
ICC Commission International Arbitration; USCIB (ICC) European Arbitration Subcommittee (Chair); LCIA; AAA (ICDR); American Chamber of Commerce (Paris) (former member, Board of Directors); Comité Français de l’Arbitrage; CPR (European Advisory Board); DIS (German Arb. Institution); ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association); International Arb. Institute (Paris)
USCIB (ICC). ICDR (AAA); LCIA; Stockholm; DIS; Vienna; Korea (KCAB); WIPO; CPR; (Panel of Distinguished International Mediators)
Former U.S. Member on ICC International Court of Arbitration (2000-2006); Chairman, Sole Arbitrator, Party-nominated arbitrator, Counsel or expert witness in more than 100 international arbitrations under rules of ICC, LCIA, AAA/ICDR; Stockholm, DIS; Vienna; UNCITRAL rules and
local national rules, involving parties from many countries; named Arbitrator of Year 2005 by leading French Journal, listed in Guides and Rankings of leading arbitrators
Arbitration Unlimited (Recent French case analysis) Guide to World’s Leading Experts in Commercial Arbitration (2008); International Arbitration, the Path toward Uniform Procedures, Global Reflections on
International Law, Commerce and Dispute Resolutions (ICC Publishing, 2006); College of Commercial Arbitrators’ Guide to Best Practices in Commercial Arbitration – International Arbitration (co-author, JurisNet LLC, 2006); Antisuit Injunctions Issued by National Courts, Anti-suit Injunctions in International Arbitration (IAI & JurisNet LLC, 2005); Reconciling Anglo-Saxon and Civil Law Procedure, Law of International Business and Dispute Settlement in the 21st Century (Karl Heymanns Verlag, 2005).