Andreas Reiner

Freyung 6/12
A-1010 Vienna
Attorney at law, private practice, Vienna & Paris (Vienna: 1975-1977, 1986- ; Paris: 1977-1978, 1980-1981); Lecturer on International Commercial Arbitration, Univ. of Economics, Vienna (1988-1997); Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris (1981-1985); Lecturer, Univ. of Paris (1984-1986)
French Arbitration Assoc.; German Inst. of Arbitration; Project Management Inst., Austria; Swiss Arbitration Assoc.; Young Lawyer's International Assoc.; IBA; UIA
ICC International Court of Arbitration; International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna; Permanent Arbitral Tribunal of the Austrian Chambers of Commerce; Foreign Trade Arbitration Court at the Economic Chamber of Yugoslavia, Belgrade; The Court
of Arbitration at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sofia
Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration (1981-1985); Acted as arbitrator or counsel in numerous cases under the Rules of the ICC, The International Arbitral Centre (Vienna), the Arbitration Court of the Czechoslovak Chamber of Commerce and industry, the Court of Arbitration of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, as well as in UNCITRAL and in other ad hoc arbitration proceedings; involved in various enforcement and annulment proceedings in Austria and abroad
Handbook on ICC Arbitration (Vienna 1989); Austrian and French Law on International Arbitration, in Comparative Law Review (Vienna 1986); Successful Use of The FIDIC Contract Conditions in International Construction Projects, Dispute Resolution according to Clause 67 of the FIDIC Conditions (Croatian Arbitration Yearbook, vol. 4, 1997); Provisional and Conservatory Measures and International Arbitration (to be published in volume 3/1998 of Clunet – Journal de Droit International); The 1988 Version of the ICC Arbitration Rules (Rules de l’Arbitrade No. 1, 1988).