Andreas Bucher
16 ch. des Prés de la Gradelle
CH-1223 Cologny
Professor of Law, Univ. of Geneva (1983- ); Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Univ. of Freiburg (1983-1987);
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht; Société Suisse de Droit Int'l; Swiss Arbitration Assoc.
ICC, Swiss national committee ; ICSID
Chairman and Co-arbitrator in ICC and ICSID cases. Arbitration ad hoc.
Le Nouvel Arbitrage International en Suisse (Basel 1988); Die Neue Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in der Schweiz (Basel 1989); International Arbitration in Switzerland, with P.-Y. Tschanz (Basel 1989); Droit international privé suisse, Vol. I/1 (1998), I/2 (1995), II (1992); Droit international privé, with A. Bonomi; articles on international commercial arbitration and other subjects.