Andrea E. Rusca

ISA-Lex Avocats
15, avenue de Sécheron
CH-1202 Geneva
2, Rue de la Porcelaine
CH-1260 Nyon
Of Counsel, Ochsner & Associés, Geneva (2011-2013); Of Counsel, Naef & Piantino, Geneva (2009-2011); Managing Director, Westcore Sàrl, Lausanne, Switzerland, overseeing European operation of a Real Estate company, (2008-2009); Area Manager (Western Europe), Fiat Auto S.p.a., Turin, Italy, automotive sector, focused on management, distribution, contracts, sales (2004-2008); International Senior Counsel, SGS Société Générale de Surveillance SA, Geneva (2001 – 2004); International Associate, Jeantet & Associés, Paris (1999 – 2001); Counsel, Secretariat of the Court, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris (1998 – 1999); International Associate, Lawyers-from-Abroad Program, Covington & Burling, Washington, D.C. (1997 – 1998); Legal Consultant, ICSID, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. (1997); Associate, Pirenne Python Schifferli & Peter, Geneva (1996).
ASA (since 1993); ASIL (since 1998); International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) (since 1998); IBA (since 2000).
ICC Swiss Committee and Italian Committee, OHADA, Milan Chamber of Commerce.
Arbitrator: 1 ad hoc; Co-arbitrator: 3 ad hoc; Administrative secretary: 3 ICSID, 7 ICC, 3 ad hoc; Co-counsel: 19 ICC, 3 ICSID, 5 Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry and 10 ad hoc, ICC ADR proceedings 2, various mediations.
Switzerland: Conciliation and Mediation under the New Provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, in World Trade Arbitration & Mediation Review (WAMR), 2015 Vol. 9, No 1; Comparaisons entre le Règlement d’arbitrage CCJA et ceux de la CCI et du CIRDI; Frais d’arbitrage : comparaison des barèmes CCI et CCJA, in Bulletin du Centre pour le Recherche et l’Étude du Droit Africain Unifié (CREDAU), Janvier 2001, N°1; L’Arbitrage : une stimulation à l’investissement [Arbitration: a Stimulation to Invest], in Revue Camerounaise de l’Arbitrage, N° 7, Octobre-Novembre 1999; La nouvelle loi sur la protection des données et la bonne foi [The new law of data protection and the bona fide], L’abus de droit et le principe de la bonne foi; IIIème Cycle de Droit, Lausanne, 1994.