Anders Ryssdal

Wiersholm, Mellbye & Bech advokatfirma AS
Ruseløkkvn. 26, P.O.Box 1400 Vika
0115 Oslo
Partner in Wiersholm (1993- ), Fellow at the Faculty of Law in Oslo (1989-1992), Acting Appeals Court Judge (1991), Lawyer with the Solicitor General (1984-1989)
Chairs ICC Norway’s Committee on international arbitration. Past president of the Norwegian Bar Association (2004-2008)
Member of International Court of Arbitration in Paris, member of the Commission on Arbitration. Member AAA Roster of Neutrals and Oslo Chamber of Commerce.
Served as chairman, sole-arbitrator and co-arbitrator in more than 15 cases i.a. for SCC, Copenhagen and Oslo Chamber of Commerce, and in international ad-hoc arbitrations.
Voldgiftsloven (Universitetsforlaget, 2007); Norwegian Chapter, International Handbook on Commercial Yearbook; Norsk konkurranserett Bind I (Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2006); Joint Ventures–En konkurranserettslig analyse (Universitetsforlaget Oslo, 2003); Konkurranseprosessen, (article, Jussens Venner, 2003 s. 169 ctd.; Interim and Conservatory Measures [in International Arbitrations]: Theory, Strategies and a Practical Experience in Lithuania (Stockholm Arbitration Report, Volume 2001:1 pp. 25 ctd. 2002); Arbitration and EU Competition Law – The Supervisory Role of Courts, A Comment on the Eco Swiss Judgement] (article in Studies in Honour of Chief Justice Carsten Smith, Oslo 2002);Implementation of Second Best Solutions: The Judge or the Bureaucrat? A Lawyer’s Perspective (Routledge Press, London 2000);Towards a Nordic Competition Law” ( Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 1996 pp. 332-357, 2000); Legal Realism and Economics as Behaviour and An Economic Analysis of Civil Suits and Appeals and the economics of litigation (Oslo - Stockholm – Copenhagen, 1995); The Mandatory Bid – a proposal for regulation of corporate take-overs – securities trading law, Harvard Law School 1986); The scope of the Williams Act According to Hanson (on US take-over case law, Harvard Law School 1986); Paper on The Legal Basis for the Oslo Stock Exchange – private law and public law; printed as an annex to the Government Committee’s Report on the new Norwegian Stock Exchange Act (1982); Paper on the Limited Partnership as a Capital Raising Instrument (in Norwegian) – contract law and corporate law; awarded H.M. The King's Gold Medal (The volume “Rederi og kapitaltilførsel”, Oslo 1981).