Amanda J. Lees

Simmons & Simmons JWS Pte Ltd
168 Robinson Road
#11-01, Capital Tower
Singapore 068912 Singapore
Lawyer, Blake Dawson (now Ashurst Australia), (2001-2005); Senior Associate, Blake Dawson/Ashurst Australia (2005 – 2013).
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) (2008-); Director of the Singapore branch of CIArb (2015-); Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (2012-); Leader of the South-East Asia Chapter of ASA (2017-); Former Co-Chair of Asia Pacific Forum for International Arbitration (AFIA) (2011-2012); Member LCIA; Member ICC Australia; Member ArbitralWomen.
SIAC Panel, KLRCA Panel.
Appointed as sole arbitrator by SIAC (2013-) and ICC (2016–) in six arbitrations seated in Singapore involving parties from Singapore, Malaysia, PRC, Marshall Islands, Vietnam and Spain and commodities, construction, engineering and commercial disputes. Acted as counsel in multiple arbitrations under the ICC, LCIA, SIAC, HKIAC and UNCITRAL Rules and ad hoc arbitrations in multiple jurisdictions, including investment treaty, mining, oil and gas, commodities, employment, joint venture, infrastructure, telecommunications and reinsurance disputes.
I am the author of numerous articles on international arbitration on Other publications include: The Enforceability of Negotiation and Mediation Clauses in Hong Kong and Singapore, January 2015, Asian Dispute Review; Report on the Breakout Sessions on Arbitral Legitimacy: The Users’ and Judges’ Perspectives, 2015, ICCA Int’l Arb. Congress: Proc. No 18; Mitigating the Effects of Resource Nationalism, June 2014, Orient Magazine; Get this wrong and … the High Court rewrites the test for leave to appeal an arbitration award, Dec 2011, Australian Construction Law Bulletin, 2011 Vol 23 No 8 & 9; Author of Global Arbitration Review Commercial Arbitration Know-How for Hong Kong (2014-2016); Author of multiple Lexis Practical Guidance guidelines on international arbitration in Hong Kong and Singapore.