Alvin L. Zimmerman

3040 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77056
TX state district judge for 309th Family Dist. Ct. and 269th Civil Dist. Ct. (1980-19984); Briefing Atty.-US Dist. Judge (1967); Asst. TX Attorney General (1967-1968); General Counsel of AMEX Corp. (1969-1980); Director of Nat’l Bank (1986-1994); Director and General Counsel for New York Stock Exchange Company (1985-1998).
Past Chair: Houston Bar Association (HBA) ADR Section and State Bar of Texas ADR Section; Past Chair – HBA Family Law Section; Fellow American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers; Past President – International Academy of Mediators; Board Certified by Texas Board of Legal Specialization; Fellow-College of Commercial Arbitrators; 1998 recipient of Outstanding Mediator by Frank Evans Dispute Resolution Center for Legal Responsibility; 2001 recipient of the Gibson Award for Professionalism by Gulf Coast Family Law Specialists. I have served on the faculty of the ABA National Family Law Annual Trial Course and was the Outstanding Adjunct Professor for teaching Contracts at South Texas College of Law.
Neutral, AAA (Sole and Panel of Arbitrators and have served on its special panel for emergency hearings); ICC; ICDR, CPR (special assigned arbitrator for conflict between arbitrator and party).
Since 1981 through present, he has arbitrated over 300 cases in which he has been the sole arbitrator in approximately 70% of the cases and had served on a Panel in over 30% of the cases. He had been the Chair of the Panel, in over 50% of those cases.