Albert Monichino

List A Barristers, Owen Dixon Chambers
205 William Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Arbitrator or Cousel (UNCITRAL, ICC, HKIAC and KLRCA Rules), in wide-ranging commercial disputes throughout the Asia-Pacific, including, construction, engineering and infrastructure disputes (eg Fluor v Anaconda arbitration, 2001-2003, involving claims exceeding A$1billion), intellectual property disputes, shareholder and joint venture disputes, financial services and investment disputes, international sales disputes, and contractual disputes.
Chartered Arbitrator
Immediate Past President, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Australia)
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Fellow, Singapore Institute of Arbitrators
Member, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Task Force on Financial Institutions and International Arbitration (2015-2016)
Member, ICC Task Force on Emergency Arbitration Proceedings (2016-ongoing)
Registered Foreign Lawyer, Singapore International Commercial Court
Fellow, Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration
Accredited as a Grade 1 Arbitrator by the Resolution Institute
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, Singapore International Arbitration Centre
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration
Member, HKIAC List of Arbitrators
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, Shenzhen Arbitration Commission
Member, Panel of Arbitrators, New Zealand Dispute Resolution Centre
Party-appointed arbitrator in an arbitration seated in Western Australia, governed by Western Australian law, in respect of a mining dispute involving electricity interruption issues (exceeding A$100 million): 2018
Sole arbitrator in an arbitration seated in Sydney, according to UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, governed by NSW law, in respect of a foreign mining dispute between non-Australian parties (US$1 million): 2016-2017
Counsel in an international arbitration seated in Hong Kong, according to HKIAC Rules, governed by Victorian law, in respect of a share sale dispute involving South African gold mining assets (US$100 million): 2015-2016
Sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration seated in Singapore, governed by New York law, in respect of a share sale dispute (US$28 million): 2015-2016
Presiding arbitrator in an arbitration seated in Malaysia, according to KLRCA Rules, governed by Malaysian law, in respect of a construction dispute between Malaysian and Chinese parties (US$3 million): 2015
‘The Proper Approach to the Interpretation of Arbitration Agreements: Australian High Court Speaks Out’ (2019) ACICA Review (co-authored with Monique Carroll)
“The Problem With Rakna: The Scope of the Preclusive Effect of Article 16(3) of the Model Law” (2019) Singapore Academy of Law Journal
“Lessons for Enforcement Across Jurisdictions: Reflections on Astro v Lippo” (2019) Asian Dispute Review
“International Arbitration in Australia: 2017/2018 in Review” (2019) Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal (co-authored with Alex Fawke)
“Australia Country Update” (2018) Asian Dispute Review (co-authored with Dr Luke Nottage)
“Court Review of An Arbitrator’s Preliminary Jurisdictional Ruling and Arbitrability of Domestic Building Disputes” (2018) Australia Construction Law Newsletter
“International Arbitration in Australia: 2016/2017 in Review” (2018) Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal (co-authored with Alex Fawke)
“Privilege disputes in international arbitration” (2016) ACICA Review
“International Arbitration in Australia: 2015/2016 Year in Review” (2016) Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal (co-authored with Alex Fawke)
“Termination for Convenience: Good faith and other possible restrictions” (2015) Building and Construction Law Journal