AAA Handbook on Construction Arbitration and ADR - Third Edition
The Handbook begins with chapters on specific strategies and tools to help manage risks and avoid disputes in the construction field. It discusses ADR as it relates to subcontracting and labor disputes, the use of a neutral architect, the importance of site visits, and the significance of understanding ADR procedures before agreeing to them. The option of using mediation to resolve disputes is explored, including guidelines and tools for successful mediation, the expert’s role in construction mediation, and what works and what doesn’t work in construction disputes.
The use of arbitration is also looked at in depth and guidance is provided for both the arbitrator and for the advocate. There is an entire section devoted to partnering (the creation of a working relationship between a building owner and a contractor which further involves subcontractors, design professionals, and other agencies), discussing its benefits and providing useful tips. Lastly, advice is provided for both small and complex construction claims, and the use of Dispute Review Boards (comprising panels of three technically qualified neutral individuals).
Assembled from Dispute Resolution Journal - the flagship publication of the American Arbitration Association - the chapters in the Handbook have all, where necessary, been revised and updated prior to publication in the current Third Edition.. The book is succinct, comprehensive and a practical introduction and reference to the use of arbitration and ADR in the Construction field, written by leading practitioners and scholars.
The chapters were selected from an extensive body of writings and, in the main, represent world-class assessments of arbitration and ADR practice. All the major facets of the field are addressed and provide the reader with comprehensive and accurate information, lucid evaluations, and an indication of future developments. They not only acquaint, but also ground the reader in the field.
The American Arbitration Association (AAA), with its long history and experience in the field of alternative dispute resolution, provides services to individuals and organizations who wish to resolve conflicts out of court. The AAA, with a caseload of over 200,000 disputes administered, is the nation's largest full-service ADR provider.
Adam C. Dawson
Albert Bates Jr.
Allen L. Overcash
Ann L. MacNaughton
Anthony E. Battelle
Ava J. Abramowitz
Belinda A. Bacon
Bettina Quintas
Bruce Johnsen
C. Allen Gibson, Jr.
Charles M. Sink
Deborah Bovarnick Mastin
Erin L. Gerdes
Gerald S. Clay
Howard D. Venzie, Jr.
James P. Groton
James R. Holbrook
Jeffrey R. Cruz
Jeffrey S. Busch
Joel Levine
John E. Bulman
John F. Farnan Jr.
John P. Madden
Jorge R. Cibran
Joseph C. Malpasuto
Kathleen M. J. Harmon
Kerry C. Lawrence
L. Tyrone Holt
Larry R. Leiby
Luc Picard
Matthew W. Argue
Michael C. Loulakis
Michael J. Altschuler
Michael J. Bayard
Neil Carmichael
Nicole Hantusch
R. Thomas Dunn
Richard D. Rhyne
Richard F. Smith
Richard Fullerton
Richard P. Flake
Richard W. Lamb
Robert A. Rubin
Robert J. MacPherson
Robert J. Smith
Robert Korn
Robert S. Peckar
Roger J. Peters
Roy S. Mitchell
Stephen G. Walker
Steve Pinnell
Steven B. Lesser
Steven C. Bennett
Susan G. Perin
Susan Zuckerman
Susanna S. Fodor
Taylor R. Ray
The American Arbitration Association (AAA), with its long history and experience in the field of alternative dispute resolution, provides services to individuals and organizations who wish to resolve conflicts out of court. The AAA, with a caseload of over 200,000 disputes administered, is the nation's largest full-service ADR provider.
Adam C. Dawson
Albert Bates Jr.
Allen L. Overcash
Ann L. MacNaughton
Anthony E. Battelle
Ava J. Abramowitz
Belinda A. Bacon
Bettina Quintas
Bruce Johnsen
C. Allen Gibson, Jr.
Charles M. Sink
Deborah Bovarnick Mastin
Erin L. Gerdes
Gerald S. Clay
Howard D. Venzie, Jr.
James P. Groton
James R. Holbrook
Jeffrey R. Cruz
Jeffrey S. Busch
Joel Levine
John E. Bulman
John F. Farnan Jr.
John P. Madden
Jorge R. Cibran
Joseph C. Malpasuto
Kathleen M. J. Harmon
Kerry C. Lawrence
L. Tyrone Holt
Larry R. Leiby
Luc Picard
Matthew W. Argue
Michael C. Loulakis
Michael J. Altschuler
Michael J. Bayard
Neil Carmichael
Nicole Hantusch
R. Thomas Dunn
Richard D. Rhyne
Richard F. Smith
Richard Fullerton
Richard P. Flake
Richard W. Lamb
Robert A. Rubin
Robert J. MacPherson
Robert J. Smith
Robert Korn
Robert S. Peckar
Roger J. Peters
Roy S. Mitchell
Stephen G. Walker
Steve Pinnell
Steven B. Lesser
Steven C. Bennett
Susan G. Perin
Susan Zuckerman
Susanna S. Fodor
Taylor R. Ray