Mediating Construction Disputes: What Works and What Doesn’t - Chapter 18 - AAA Handbook on Construction Arbitration and ADR - Third Edition

Richard P. Flake
Susan G. Perin
Page Count: 
18 pages
March, 2016
Author Detail: 

Richard P. Flake is a Shareholder of Cokinos, Bosien & Young, in Houston. A
former General Counsel of Spaw-Glass Construction, Mr. Flake is an active mediator and
arbitrator of construction, commercial and employment disputes. Mr. Flake is also a
Municipal Judge for the City of Friendswood, Texas. He is admitted to practice before
the U.S. Supreme Court.

Susan G. Perin has a full-time mediation and arbitration practice in Houston, Texas.
She has 20 years of previous litigation experience with an emphasis on construction cases
and has mediated and arbitrated numerous complex, multi-party construction cases. Susan
was one of the founding members of the Construction Law Section of the State Bar of
Texas and now serves as a Council Member on the State Bar of Texas Alternative Dispute
Resolution Section. She has taught mediation to hundreds of attorneys and for six years,
was an Adjunct Professor in Mediation at the University of Houston Law Center.
