Ben Love

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
601 Lexington Avenue, Suite 31
New York, NY 11231
Senior Associate, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Paris (2010-2015); Associate, King & Spalding, Houston (2007-2010); Trainee, Shearman & Sterling, Paris (2007); Trainee, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Paris (2006); Intern, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris (2006).
Peer Review Board, ICSID Review; IBA Subcommittee for Investment Arbitration; Advisory Board, Institute for Transnational Arbitration; Corresponding Editor, International Legal Materials; Director, New York Subchapter of Association of International Petroleum Negotiators.
Secretary of the Tribunal in several cases (ICC, UNCITRAL, LCIA, ICDR, and ad hoc); Counsel in over 50 cases under the ICC, ICSID, LCIA, UNCITRAL, and CRCICA arbitration rules.
Books: Digest of ICSID Awards and Decisions: 2008-2012 (OUP, forthcoming 2017) (co-authors N. Rubins, R. Happ); Provisional Measures in Investment Arbitration (OUP, forthcoming 2018) (co-author N. Rubins); Elgar Companion to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (Elgar, forthcoming 2018) (co-author N. Rubins).
Articles and Book Chapters: “Jurisdiction Over Incidental Questions in International Law,” American Journal of International Law (forthcoming 2018); “Introductory Note to The Republic of the Philippines v The People’s Republic of China, (PCA Case No. 2013-19), Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility,” International Legal Materials, Vol. 55(3) (2016); “ICSID Convention” and “ICSID Arbitration Rules,” Concise International Arbitration (L.A. Mistelis, ed.) (2015) (co-author N. Rubins and D. Kalderimis); “Ratione Temporis,” International Investment Law: A Handbook (M. Bungenberg, J. Griebel, S. Hobe, and A. Reinisch, eds.) (2014) (co-author N. Rubins); “Introductory Note to Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v Italy),” International Legal Materials, Vol. 51(3) (2012); “The Future of Investment Arbitration in Asia: An Optimistic Assessment,” Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law (I. Laird and T. Weiler, eds.) (2012); “‘Manifest Disregard of the Law,’ ‘Minimum Contacts,’ and Forum Non Conveniens: Recent Developments in Judicially-Created Doctrines that May Defeat Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in the U.S.,” Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, Vol. 3 (2010) (co-author J. Castello); other articles on international arbitration and public international law.
Presentations: Practicing International Arbitration During Challenging Times, Annual ITA Workshop, 14 June 2017, Dallas; Jurisdiction Over Incidental Questions in International Law, Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, 20 April 2017, Washington DC; Counterclaims for Environmental and Human Rights Violations in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Harvard International Arbitration Conference, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, 31 March 2017; The Enforceability of Forfeiture Clauses in Joint Operating Agreements, Arbitration Under Joint Operating Agreements in the Energy Sector, American University Washington College of Law, Washington DC, 23 March 2017; Res Judicata in International Arbitration, NYIAC/NYSBA Conference on Procedural Problems in International Arbitration, New York, 2 March 2017; Oil and Gas Operations in Areas Disputed Between States, AIPN/ASIL Sponsored Conference, New York, 24 October 2016; Outsourcing the Judiciary: Arbitration and More, Symposium on Global Markets: International Investment, Trade, and Security, Dallas, 14 June 2016; Fair and equitable treatment – an evolutionary international standard or artificial legal fiction?, Tenth Annual Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference, Washington, DC, 13 May 2016; Careers in International Law, Columbia Society of International Law, Columbia Law School, New York, 4 April 2016; Fireside Chat with John Beechey, ICC YAF Meets ICC UK, London, 1 December 2015; Best Practices in Drafting Arbitration Clauses, BVI International Arbitration Conference, Tortola, BVI, 21 May 2015; The Role of Domestic Property Rights in Investment Treaty Arbitration - A Misleading Rubric?, Investment Treaty Arbitration and Natural Resources, Washington, DC, 26 February 2015; Investor Responsibility in Investment Treaty Arbitration, ASIL Midyear Meeting, The Leading Edge: New Developments in the Law of State and IO Responsibility, NYU School of Law, 2 November 2013; Energy Contracts and BITs – Is it Fair and Equitable to be under the Umbrella?, Complex Issues Raised by Investor-State Arbitration in the Energy Sector, Washington DC, 22 April 2013; Unique Aspects of Enforcing Arbitral Awards in the United States, Paris Bar Presentation, Paris, 16 April 2013; The Importance of Soft Law in International Disputes, ASIL Midyear Meeting, University of Georgia Law School, Athens, 20 October 2012; Does Investment Arbitration Have a Future in the Asia-Pacific Region?, Investment Arbitration in the Asia-Pacific Region, Washington, DC, 30 April 2010; other presentations on international arbitration and public international law.