Antoine K. Kirry

Debevoise & Plimpton
4 place de l'Opéra
75002 Paris
Association Droit et Procédure (Former Member); Association Française des Avocats Conseils d’Entreprise (Member); Swiss Arbitration Association (Member).
He has handled arbitrations under the auspices of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and the Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as ad hoc arbitrations in various European countries.
“The Internal Investigations Review”, part of The Law Reviews series published by Law Business Research, Third Edition (2013); “Un outil probatoire méconnu: l'utilisation de la procédure de discovery devant les tribunaux français,” Gazette du Palais, (December 2013); “La responsabilité des dirigeants: quelle protection?” (with Marie-Christine Monsalier-Saint Mleux), La Semaine Juridique (March 2009); “Recapitalisations Are Attractive But Can Bite Back,” Private Equity News (May 2005); “French Lesson,” The Daily Deal (April 2004), p. 14; “Offres Publiques: Que Faire des Actionnaires Américains?” (with Laurence Harari), Bulletin Joly Bourse, 2003, p. 393; “La Détermination du Prix de Vente des Actions Propres Acquises par un Programme de Rachat,” J.C.P. (E) 2002, number 174, p. 166.