Gaëlle Le Quillec

betto seraglini
41, avenue de Friedland
75008 Paris
Partner, betto seraglini, 2012 – Present; Counsel, Hogan Lovells (formerly Lovells), 2008-2012; Associate, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (Paris office), 2005-2008; Associate, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (New York office), 2004-2005; Intern and Associate, Gide Loyrette Nouel, Arbitration Department, 2001-2003.
Member of the Paris Bar Council (2017: Secretary of the Deontology Commission of the Paris Bar Council; 2016: Secretary of the International Commission of the Paris Bar Council); Member of the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage; Member of the ICC Business Institute of World Business Law; Member of Arbitral Women; Member of the International Arbitration Institute (IAI), of the Young International Arbitration Group of the LCIA, of the Swiss Arbitration Association; Leads the Rencontres de l’arbitrage (Paris international arbitration club); Moderator of the Arbitrage & ADR List; Speaker at the ICC Advanced PIDA Training on International Commercial Arbitration.
Member of the ICC Young Arbitrators List
Breach of a supply contract in the Defense sector (1,3 billion euros, French law, ICC Paris, English language); Termination of a cooperation agreement in the Defense sector (1,2 billion euros, French law, ICC Paris, French language); Breach of a joint-venture agreement in the Defense sector (180 million dollars, Swiss law, ICC Geneva, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Defense sector (40 million euros, Singapore law, ICC Paris, English language); Dispute concerning a large railroad infrastructure project in Northern Africa (20 million dollars, French law, ICC Paris, French language); Termination of a commercial lease in the retail sector (19 million euros, Greek law, ICC Athens, English language); Breach of a supply contract in the Aeronautic sector (15 million dollars, English law, ICC Geneva, English language); Breach of a management contracts in the Hospitality sector (13 million euros, Tunisian law, ICC Tunis, French language); Breach of a commercial lease in the hospitality sector (12 million euros, OHADA law, ICC Paris, French language); Breach of maintenance and leise repair agreement in the Aeronautic sector (10 million dollars, French law, ICC Paris, English language); Breach of a cooperation agreement in the Aeronautic sector (5 million dollars, French law, ICC Istanbul, English language); Dispute regarding a First Demand Bank Guarantee between a French company and a foreign state (5 million dollars, Paris Court of Appeals); Sole arbitrator in a dispute between a German company and a Moroccan company regarding the breach of a license agreement (French law, ICC Paris, French language); Co-arbitrator in a dispute between an Emirati company and a Congolese company in the Mining sector (French law, ICC Paris, French language).
Juris-Classeur Droit International – Fiches pratiques Lexis Nexis in international arbitration (G. Le Quillec with T. Tomasi); “Le régime méconnu des notifications à un Etat étranger” in J.C.P., G., 2006, I, 147 (with R. Thominette); “Un consulat ne peut valablement recevoir l’assignation destinée à un Etat étranger auquel il est rattaché”, note following Toulouse, Court of Appeal, 9 May 2006 in J.C.P., G., 2007, II, 10021 (with R. Thominette).