Dominique Brown-Berset

7, boulevard des Philosophes
CH - 1205 Geneva
Since 2009 Brown&Page SA, founding partner
2005 - 2008 Lalive, Geneva, Switzerland; partner
2002 - 2005 B.M.G. Avocats, Geneva, Switzerland; partner
1987 - 2002 Froriep, Geneva, Switzerland, and London, England; partner
1985 - 1987 Slaughter & May, London, England; counsel
1983 - 1985 Assistant Maritime Arbitrator and ICCA Founder (the late Cédric Barclay), London, England
1983 - 1985 First Editor of the Journal of International Arbitration, Geneva, Switzerland, and London, England
1980 - 1982 Baker & McKenzie, Geneva, Switzerland, and New York, USA; article clerk
1980 - 1981 Geneva Law School, Geneva, Switzerland; part-time assistant in energy law
Current Member of the Council of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne, Switzerland (appointed by the Swiss Federal Government); Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Dallas, U.S.A.; Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR; Member of the Advisory Board of Global Arbitration Review and Editorial Board of the Journal of International Arbitration (first editor of the Journal).
Former member of:
- LCIA Court of Arbitration, London (until end of May 2020);
- Executive Committee of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Dallas (2015-2019);
- Board and Council of the Société Suisse des Juristes (2003-2018).
Past President of the Executive Board of Arbitral Women (2012-2014); past Co-Chair of the Arbitration Committee of the International Bar Association (2004-2006); former International Vice-President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London (1996-2004).
Court of Arbitration for Sport (since 2015); Asian International Arbitration Centre (formerly the Kuala Lumpur Regional Arbitration Centre; 2010); Singapore International Arbitration Centre (2009); Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (2008); Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (2007).
Ms. Brown-Berset has acted as counsel, co-counsel, arbitrator (also sole arbitrator and chairperson), legal expert and expert witness in over 225 international arbitration cases covering a broad range of international arbitration cases, in particular in cases involving states and international organizations, both at private and governmental levels, and relating, inter alia, to transfer of technology, construction of turnkey factories and other major projects, procurement contracts, licence agreements, agency, joint venture and shareholders’ agreements, sale and purchase contracts, telecom, post-M&A disputes, and more. Ms. Brown-Berset's industry experience includes telecommunications, computers (software and hardware), satellites, aviation, avionics, glass and paper production, steel, chemicals and petrochemicals, LNG projects, oil and gas (upstream, midstream and downstream), electricity and other energy sectors, mining, food, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, shipping and shipbuilding, intellectual property rights, luxury goods, textiles, arts, food and beverages, airport construction, real estate and other major construction projects, and sports arbitration.
e.g. Faillite et arbitrage, Bulletin ASA 1998, at 664-680, 1998 (together with Laurent Lévy); La Médiation commerciale: un géant s'éveille (rapport à la société suisse des juristes), RDS 2002 II 319-424; Les modes alternatifs de règlement des différends dans le domaine de la construction, Fribourg 2007, p. 265-287 (co-author Matthias Scherer); Drafting an arbitration clause, ABA Eilat (doc)/Paris November 2010; Enforcement and Execution of Arbitral Awards: A Swiss Perspective, Austrian Yearbook (181-195) on International Arbitration 2011; Choice of Venues in International Arbitration, Chapter 17: Switzerland, Oxford University Press, 2014, at 415-444 (together with Diane Grisel) editors Michael Ostrove, Claudia Salomon and Bette Shifman; Switzerland, GAR online know-how report on International Arbitration.