Erica Stein

Dechert LLP
480 Avenue Louise, Box 13A
Brussels 1050
Special Counsel, Dechert LLP, Brussels, Belgium and Paris, France (April 2014 to January 2017); Counsel (April 2013 to April 2017), Associate (February 2008 to March 2013), Hanotiau & van den Berg, Brussels, Belgium; Counsel (January 2005 to December 2007); Deputy Counsel (May 2003 to December 2004), ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris, France.
ICC International Centre for ADR (Vice President, Standing Committee), ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, LCIA (European Users’ Council).
Chair of the arbitral tribunal in a commercial arbitration under the auspices of the Danish Institute of Arbitration (DIA) between a Danish party and Austrian party, in the pharmaceutical sector, conducted in English; Sole arbitrator in a LCIA arbitration between an English party and an Egyptian party, in the financial sector conducted in English; Sole Arbitrator in a commercial ICC arbitration between a German party and a Taiwanese party in the industrial sector, conducted in English; Sole Arbitrator in a commercial ICC arbitration between a Belgian party and a Polish party in the food sector, conducted in English; Sole Arbitrator in a commercial arbitration under the rules of the United Nations; Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), between a German party and a Dutch party in the industrial/chemical sector, conducted in English; Sole Arbitrator in a commercial arbitration under the auspices of the Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (CEPANI), between a Belgian party and a German party in the maritime sector, conducted in French; Sole Arbitrator in a CEPANI commercial arbitration, between two Belgian parties in the hotel sector, conducted in French; Sole Arbitrator in a DIA commercial arbitration between an English party and a Danish party, regarding the remuneration of officers of a corporation, Danish law applicable, conducted in English; Sole Arbitrator in commercial arbitration under the auspices of the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS), between a German party and an Indian party in the charitable sector, conducted in English; Co-arbitrator in a commercial ICC arbitration between a Spanish party and US party in the aerospace sector, Spanish law applicable, in Madrid, in English; Co-arbitrator in a commercial ICC arbitration between a Belgian party and an American party in the chemical sector, conducted in English; Co-arbitrator in an ad hoc commercial arbitration, between an international organization and a Kazakh party, regarding funding for the construction of a highway, conducted in English; Emergency arbitrator in an ICC commercial matter between a Swiss party and a French party in the hotel sector, conducted in English; Counsel to a Belgian investor in an investment arbitration against an African State before The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), conducted in French; Counsel for Dutch and Costa Rican investors in an investment arbitration against a Central American State before ICSID, conducted in Spanish; Counsel to a South American State in an investment arbitration against U.S. investors before ICSID, conducted in English; Counsel to a Central European State in an investment arbitration against Cypriot investors under UNCITRAL rules, conducted in English; Counsel to a Central European State in an investment arbitration against a British investor under the UNCITRAL rules, conducted in English; Counsel to a Central European State in an investment arbitration against a German investor under the UNCITRAL rules, conducted in English; Lead counsel in an ICC arbitration in Brussels, under Virginia law, representing a U.S. (Tennessee) company against an Italian company, arising out of a sales contract, conducted in English.
The New York Arbitration Convention of 1958 (2d ed.), Kluwer Law International (forthcoming) (co-author A.J. van den Berg); Commentary on Articles 1677, 1678, 1679, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1707 and 1709, Arbitration in Belgium: A Practitioner’s Guide, eds. Niuscha Bassiri and Maarten Draye (Kluwer Law International 2016); International Arbitration Has Trouble Finding Its Place in the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, YIAG e-news, January 2013, available at:; La extensión de los efectos del convenio arbitral a no signatarios: ¿una marginalización de consentimiento?, Anuario Latinoamericano de Arbitraje, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2012); Polimaster Ltd. v. RAE Systems, Inc.: My Place or Yours? But Not Both, 28(3) J.Int.Arb 265-271 (2011); Foreword in Jan Ole Voss, The Impact of Investment Treaties on Contracts between Host States and Foreign Investors, at xv (Martinus Nijhoff 2011); Thomas v. Carnival Corporation: Has the Eleventh Circuit Set Arbitration Off Course?, 27(5) J.Int.Arb. 529-537 (2010).