Lauro Gama Jr.
Rua Primeiro de Março, 23 – 23rd floor, Centro.
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Partner, Capanema & Gama Advogados (1988 – 1999); Legal consultant, Telesystem International Wireless Inc. (TIW) Montreal, Canada (2000; 2003-2004) ; General counsel, TIW do Brasil Ltda. (2000 – 2003); General counsel, Rioprevidência (2003 – 2006).
Director, Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr), 2009-2013; Member, ICC Brazil Arbitration Committee; Member, Brazilian Bar (Rio de Janeiro) Arbitration Committee; Member, International Section – New York State Bar Association; Vice-president, International Law Association (Brazilian branch); Hague Conference of Private International Law – Member, Working Group – Principles, Law Applicable to International Contracts; UNIDROIT – Member, Working Group – Unidroit Principles International Contracts – 3rd edition
CMA/CCBC – Center of Mediation and Arbitration – Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada; CBMA – Brazilian Center of Mediation and Arbitration (FIRJAN, FENASEG); CAMARB (Câmara de Arbitragem Empresarial); IE-SP Chamber of the São Paulo Institute of Engineering; ARBITAC – Arbitration Chamber of the Paraná State Trade Association; CAMCIESP – Arbitration Chamber of the Federation of Industries of São Paulo; Center of Mediation and Arbitration – Portuguese Chamber of Trade of São Paulo; International Arbitration Institute (IAI – Paris).
(2012) Chairman, CCBC, build-to-suit agreement; Co-arbitrator, ICC, dispute over MOU obligations; Chairman, ICC, sale and operation agreement; Counsel, CCBC, infrastructure concessionaires dispute; (2011) Co-arbitrator, ICC, international share purchase and sale agreement; Coarbitrator, ICC, international sale and insurance agreement; Chairman, FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), hydroelectric plant construction contract; Chairman – CAM/FIESP – investment agreement,port facilities; (2010): Chairman, CBMA, gas supply agreement; Co-arbitrator, CCBC,,share sale agreement, oil and gas service provider; Coarbitrator, 4 CCBC arbitrations, disputes, shareholders of private education companies; Counsel, ICC, spin-off agreement of sugar/ethanol group; Coarbitrator, CBMA, shareholders dispute ; (2009): Co-arbitrator, CAM/CIESP, construction contract; Chairman, CBMA, purchase and sale contract between Brazilian corporations; (2008): Counsel, FGV,purchase and sale, electric energy; Counsel, FGV, energy purchase and sale contract; Counsel, ICC, Brazilian energy company, shareholders dispute, (2007): Chairman, CBMA, dispute, foreign and Brazilian shareholders; Co-arbitrator, FGV, dispute between mining and insurance companies; Co-arbitrator, ad hoc, lease litigation; (2006): Counsel, IE-SP, EPC construction contract; (2005): Counsel, IE-SP, EPC construction contract; (1998): Expert witness, ICC, law applicable, uranium purchase and sale contract
“Prospects for the UNIDROIT Principles in Brazil”, Unif. L. Rev. Vol. XVI – 2011, p. 613-656; 2011. “Non-State Law in The (Proposed) Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts”, with Geneviève Saumier, at; 2011, “Recusas fundadas no art. V, 1, “e”, da Convenção de Nova York – peculiaridades de sua aplicação no Brasil.” Arnoldo Wald and Selma Lemes eds., São Pauto: Saraiva; 2010. Hardship nos contratos internacionais: o papel revigorante dos Princípios do UNIDROIT na evolução da Convenção de Viena. RTDC. Rio de Janeiro, jul/set, p.205-229; 2006, Contratos Internacionais à luz dos Princípios do UNIDROIT 2004 – Soft law, Arbitragem e Jurisdição. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar.; 2006, A Convenção de Viena sobre a Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias – 1980. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, São Paulo: RT, abr-jun., v. 9; 2005, Sinal verde para a arbitragem nas parcerias público-privadas. Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, n. 8, out/nov/dez, p. 7-42; 2005, Recognition of Foreign Awards in Brazil: Recent Developments, in ICC Bulletin Vol 16/No. 1; 2002, The Unidroit Principles and their applicability in the Mercosur countries, in Revue Juridique Thémis, Montréal, v. 36.