Krzysztof J. Skubiszewski

Parkweg 13
2585 JH Den Haag.
The Netherlands
Ad hoc Judge, International Court of Justice, The Hague (1994-1997); Minister for Foreign Affairs, Poland (1989-1993); Visiting Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford (1971-1972); Visiting Professor, Geneva Univ. (1971 & 1979); Visiting Scholar, Columbia Univ. (1963-1964); Professor of Law, Polish Academy, Warsaw (1973-1996); Lecturer & Dozent, Poznan Univ. (1949-1973); research in law (1947- ); law teaching (1949-1973, 1979)
Society of Arts and Sciences, Poznan; Western Institute, Poznan; International Law Association; American Society of Int’l Law (honorary member since 1990); Institut de Droit International; Société Française pour le Droit international; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht; Association “Henri Capitant”; Polish Academy; Argentine Council of International Relations; Correspondant, Académie des Sciences morales et politiques, Institut de France; Honorary Bencher, Gray’s Inn, London; Codrington Club, Oxford; Member of “Solidarity” Union in Poland since 1980
Iran-US Claims Tribunal (1994- )
Pieniadz na terytorium okupowanym (Money in Occupied Territory) (1960); Uchwaly Prawotwórcze organizacji miedzynarodowych (Law-Making Resolutions of Int'l Organizations) (1965); Two books in Polish on the German-Polish frontier (1969 and 1975); Resolutions of the General Assembly of the U.N. (1985); Participation in Manual of Public Int’l Law, 1968 (Spanish translation, 1973); some one hundred articles in Polish, English, French, German and Russian in journals, collective works and Festschrifts.