Cosimo Rucellai

Via Montenapoleone 18, Milano, Italy
Milano 20121
Member of the Board of JP Morgan SpA from 1987 to 2000; Member of the Board of JP Morgan Commissionaria SpA up to its transformation into JP Morgan Spa in 1992 and thereafter of the latter up to its liquidation in 1996.
Chairman of arbitration panel, ICC case, Société AMINE AOUR - Middle East Foods (Lebanon) v. TERIMPEX (Hungary) re: breach of distributionship contract; Arbitrator, ICC case, Adda Officine Elettromeccanichee Meccaniche SpA v. Alsthom SA; re: alleged breach of
licence agreement; Chairman of arbitration panel, Plessey Trading SpA v. Geo Survey Offshore, re: breach of supply agreement for offshore research equipment; Counsel, Aerimpianti SpA v. AMSA – Milano Municipal Board, re: breach of contract for construction of incinerator plant;Counsel, Schindler v. Ansaldo Energia SpA (IRI group), re: breach of contract for the supply of four boiler elevators to Iraq;Counsel, Editrice Giochi SpA v. Hasbro, re: breach of licence agreement.
“Arbitration as Instrument of Guarantee in International Undertaking Contracts to Performance of Construction Works”, VII International Arbitration Congress, Hamburg 1982, Kuwer, and Rassegna dell’Arb. 1982; “From Arbitration to Arbitrage (Aspects of international long term agreements)” in Proceedings of International Meeting on Arbitration, Como 1981; “Nuclear Supply Contracts, Liability for Damages and Arbitration”
in Proceedings of VI International Arbitration Congress in Mexico City 1980; “Product Liability, Indemnity, Insurance, Arbitration” in Rassegna dell’Arb. 1980; “Arbitration as a Tool for Filling Gaps in Long-term International Contracts” in Proceedings of Fifth International Arbitration Congress, New Dehli 1975; “Joint Venture, Arbitral Audit and Arbitration” in Commercial Arbitration – Essays in memoriam Eugenio Minoli, Utet,1974. “Securitization of the insurance risk”, in Diritto ed Economia dell’Assicurazione, no. 3-4, 2003; “Securitization and market protection”, in “Securitization: Theoretical aspects and implementation practice”, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2002; “The securitization of credits in Italy two years after the enactment of Law 30 April 1999 no. 130”, in Giurisprudenza Commerciale 2001; “The law on securitization” in Giurisprudenza Commerciale 1999; “The securitization of credits”, Italian and American Business, January/February 1999; “The bill of law on securitization. Risks and opportunities” in Giurisprudenza Commerciale 1998; “Securitization in Italy: perspectives and solutions” in “Development of securitization in Italy”, Bancaria Editrice SpA, 1995.