Errol P. Mendes

Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
57 Louis Pasteur
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
Professor of Law at the University of Alberta, Canada (1979-1984); Professor of Law at the University of Western Ontario (1984-1991); Visiting Professor of Law, McGill University (1991-1992); Professor of Law, University of Ottawa (1992- to present); Senior Advisor, Privy Council Office (Prime Minister of Canada’s Department) (2005-2006); Consultant to several of Canada’s largest corporations on corporate governance and corporate integrity (1993 to present); Quasi-Judicial Tribunal Member, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, (1995-1998); Advisor to the Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations on the Global Compact (1999 to present)
Canadian Roster of ICC Arbitrators
Arbitration Panel Member, International Commercial Arbitration, under AAA supervision, between a U.S. and German Company, New York City, 1988. Subject matter: Intellectual property dispute; Sole Arbitrator, ICC Arbitration between an American company and a Caribbean company, Chicago, 1992. Subject matter: Contract dispute; ICC Arbitration Panel Member, between a Canadian company and an Indian company, London, England, 2005-2006. Subject matter: Contract dispute.
Mendes, Errol P., “Assessing the Ultimate Question About International Commercial Arbitration; The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” (1992), 5 Canada – U.S. Business Law Review 233; Mendes, Errol P.,
The U.N. Sales Convention and U.S.-Canada Transactions: Enticing the World’s Largest Trading Bloc to Do Business Under a Global Sales Law, 8 J.L.& COM. 109, 109 (1988).