Douglas Earl McLaren

Bechtel SAIC Co., LLC.
955 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Suite 8000
Washington, DC 20024
Senior Consultant, TRW Environmental Safety Systems (1995-2001); Project Manager, ICF Kaiser Engineers 1984-1995); Project/Planning Analyst, Exxon International Co. (1979-1981); Project Officer, Jamaica National Investment Company (1976-1978); Management Consultant,
KPMG (1974-1976); Design and Construction Engineer, Hue Lyew Chin Associates (1970-1972)
Chair, DC Bar Section of International Law (2000- 2001); ABA; Board of Directors – Federal Bar Association (District of Columbia Chapter) and Washington Foreign Law Society; American Corporate Counsel Association
ICC, International Court of Arbitration; AAA; American Stock Exchange; New York Stock Exchange; National Association of Securities Dealers; LCIA
Experienced commercial and international arbitrator primarily before the ICC Court of Arbitration and the AAA; securities arbitrator for the National Association of Securities Dealers
Public Involvement in Environmental Assessment of Tourism, World Bank, 1994; Georgia’s Laws on Environmental Protection, Entezari and McLaren, BNA’s Eastern Europe Reporter, 1998; A Fresh Look at ADR – International Commercial Arbitration, American Corporate Counsel Association, 2000.