John H. McHugo

Trowers & Hamlins
Sceptre Court
40 Tower Hill
London EC3N 4DX
Partner, Trowers & Hamlins (1984 -); the firm’s Oman office (1981-1986)
Counsel at the International Court of Justice for the State of Bahrain in the jurisdiction and admissibility phase of Case concerning maritime delimitation and territorial questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v Bahrain); international arbitrations on civil engineering and construction projects in the power generation industry
The Judgments of the International Court of Justice in the Jurisdiction and admissibility phase of Qatar v Bahrain: an example of the continuing need for “fact skepticism,” Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
(1997); How to prove title to territory: a brief, practical introduction to the law and evidence, International Boundaries Research Unit, Durham University, Boundary and Territory Briefing, Vol. II No. 4); The Practice of Law by Foreign Lawyers in the Sultanate of Oman, Michigan Y. B. Int’l Legal Studies (1985); Procedures and Practices for Specific Needs: The Evolution of Commercial Law in the Sultanate of Oman, 1970-1985, Financial Times (1 November 1985); Joint Ventures in the Sultanate of Oman, 2 Arab L.Q. (No. 2, May 1987); and various others.