David A. R. Williams

P.O. Box 405, Shortland Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Queen’s Counsel, arbitrator, mediator, Barrister (1994- ); Judge, High Court of New Zealand (1992-1994); Queen’s Counsel, Barrister-at- Law (1987-1992); Litigation partner, Russell McVeagh McKenzie Bartleet & Co (1968-1986); Summer Clerk, Ropes & Gray, Attorneys, Boston (1966)
NZ Law Society; NZ Bar Association; International Bar Association; Australian and NZ Society of International Law; International Academy of Trial Lawyers (member of Board of Directors); Arbitrators Institute of NZ; London Court of International Arbitration; Resource Management Law
Association of NZ; LEADR (Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution)
Arbitration Inst. Of New Zealand; ICSID; Auckland Chamber of Commerce; LEADR Advanced Panel of Mediators; American Arbitration Association
Numerous domestic arbitrations in NZ; Counsel, ICSID case Mobil Oil v. NZ Government; representing Badger Chiyoda joint venture against Chicago Bridge & Iron in major ICC arbitration held in NZ involving major construction contract; representing Cook Islands Government in a major ad hoc international arbitration; Sole arbitrator in two ICC arbitrations; Chairman of panel in two major AAA international arbitrations
Environmental Law in New Zealand (1987); numerous articles, conference papers and book reviews.