Grant L. Kim

LimNexus LLP
220 Montgomery St., Suite 1411
San Francisco, CA 94104
Staff Attorney, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (1984-1986); Litigation Associate, Partner, and Of Counsel, Morrison & Foerster LLP (1986-2000, 2004-2017); Foreign Legal Consultant, Kim & Chang, Seoul, Korea (2000 to 2004); Partner, LimNexus LLP, San Francisco (February 2017 to present).
International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR), American Arbitration Association (AAA); Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB); Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre; World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO); CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution; Tech List, Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center; Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Served as arbitrator or counsel in numerous cases administered by the ICC, ICDR, AAA, and KCAB in Asia, the U.S., and Europe. Recent arbitrator appointment include one of three ICDR arbitrators in multi-party dispute arising from $100 million Put Option; one of three ICC arbitrators in dispute between U.S. and Asian joint venture partners; one of three ICDR arbitrators in patent indemnity dispute between major semiconductor companies; sole arbitrator in two separate technology license disputes; and emergency arbitrator for the ICDR. Cases as counsel include ICC arbitration in Switzerland arising from a biotech patent license; ICDR arbitration in New York arising from a cross-license to semiconductor equipment patents; ICDR arbitration in Seoul arising from termination of a distribution agreement; ICC arbitration in Singapore arising from investment in Asian credit card company; ICC arbitration arising from joint development agreement for the Linux operating system; KCAB arbitration for the European EPC contractor of US $400 million power plant; ICC arbitration arising from Middle East construction project; and ICC arbitration involving technology transfer agreement.
Korea’s “Bali Bali” Growth in International Arbitration, 15 PEPPERDINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION JOURNAL 615 (2015); Winning an International Arbitration: Key Points for Korean Companies, KOREA ARBITRATION REVIEW (November 2013); Arbitration in Korea, INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION IN ASIA (Juris 2013);