Michael J. A. Lee

Norton Rose
Washington Plaza
42, rue Washington
75408 Paris cedex 08
Senior and managing partner of Norton Rose (Paris) (1970, partner 1972); head of the firm’s Arbitration Group; qualified as a solicitor in 1966; managing partner of the firm’s Commercial Litigation Department, London (1989-1996)
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Member, Law Society of England and Wales; Associate Member, ICC Commission on International Arbitration, UK Member, ICC; IBA; ABA
Law Society of England and Wales
ICC appointed Chairman and sole arbitrator in international commercial arbitrations; arbitrator in profession disputes; legal assessor to various disciplinary bodies and Chairman of a professional disciplinary appeal tribunal; counsel in numerous international commercial arbitrations
Joint editor of an IBA publication, Obtaining Evidence in Another Jurisdiction in Business Disputes, (2nd ed.); Various articles mostly on international commercial arbitration, including use of Arbitration in Financial
Services Disputes (Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, February 1995); Various speaking engagements, mostly on international arbitration and banking dispute resolution.