Klaus Guenther

Linklaters Oppenhoff & Raedler
Hohenstaufenring 62
50674 Cologne
Arbitrator, co-arbitrator and chairman in many ICC and other national and international arbitration proceedings covering joint ventures, commercial contracts, delivery of industrial goods, industrial property and the aircraft industry. Leader of the Linklaters & Alliance Litigation and Arbitration
Practice Group
ICC; Commission on International Arbitration, (corresponding member), German Institution of Arbitration (DIS), IBA, German- American Lawyers Association
Broad experience as an arbitrator as well as party counsel under ICC Rules, DIS rules and ad hoc arbitration including UNCITRAL rules; Presently involved in thirteen arbitration matters as an arbitrator or party counsel
Legal and Commercial Problems of Foreign Banks in Germany and Guide on Agency and Distribution Legislation in Germany; International Technology Transfer with respect to Germany; Aspects of Aircraft Leasing in Germany and Financial Crisis in the Aviation Industry-Germany; Mediation in Commercial Matters.