Cesare Jermini
Bär & Karrer SA
Via Vegezzi 6
6900 Lugano
Assistant (with teaching duties) for Constitutional and Administrative Law, Univ. of Zurich (1991-1994); Teacher of Labour law, Chamber of Commerce of the Cantone Ticino (1992); Guest Professor, teaching a Seminar on International Arbitration at the Univ. of Brasilia (1999).
ASA (Committee Member of the Ticino Chapter; Member of the editorial board of the ASA Bulletin); IBA.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Cantone Ticino, Lugano; Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Milano; Camera di Commercio italiana per la Svizzera, Zurich.
President, Member or Sole Arbitrator in institutional (ICC, Swiss Rules, Lugano Rules, Milano Rules) and ad hoc (UNCITRAL Rules) in international as well as domestic arbitration proceedings; Counsel for Claimant or Defendant in several international and domestic arbitration
Suspensive Effect of Challenges Against International Arbitral Awards in Switzerland; A Trend Towards More Frequent Grants?, in Müller/Rigozzi, New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2011, p. 79 seqq. (co-author: Nicola Bernardoni); Pitfalls of Waiver Agreements under Article 192 PILS in Multi-Contract Settings: Some Remarks on Swiss Federal Court Decision 134 III 260, 27 ASA Bulletin 1/2009, p. 103 seqq. (coauthor: M. Arroyo); Exequatur and “Enforcement” of Foreign Protective Measures under Art. 39 of the Lugano Convention in Switzerland, The Alternative of Cantonal Protective Measures, Swiss Journal of Civil Procedure, 4/2006, p. 443 seqq.; Commentary to Art. 15-17 Swiss Rules, (co-author: T. Wüstemann), in: Zuberbühler/Müller/Habegger (Eds.), Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, Commentary, Zürich 2005; Witnesses and the right to be heard in international arbitration: some remarks on recent decisions of the Swiss Federal Court, 22 ASA Bulletin 3/2004, p. 605 seqq.; Some Remarks on Preliminary Awards on Jurisdiction, 20 ASA Bulletin 1/2002, p. 132 seqq.; Commentary to Art. 192 and 194 Swiss Private International Law Act (coauthor: P. M. Patocchi), in: Berti/Honsell/Vogt/Schnyder (Eds.), International Arbitration in Switzerland, 2000 (2nd German ed. 2007); Die Anfechtung der Schiedssprüche im internationalen Privatrecht. Doctoral Thesis, Zurich, 1997.